2020-2021 Catalog 
    Mar 11, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Requirements for Admission

Implementation of specific admission policies is the responsibility of the administration and faculty of the institution. Northwest Mississippi Community College ascribes to an “open admissions” policy consistent with all appertaining laws. The College embraces the philosophy that students be provided the opportunities for learning experiences, e.g., developmental courses, counseling, tutorial assistance, etc., that will help the individual students succeed in achieving their educational goals. Further, the College utilizes relevant diagnostic instruments to determine the strengths and needs of students in order to assist them in selection of the most appropriate program options. There are no programs at Northwest designed for transfer to senior institutions that require a minimum ACT score for admission.

Admission Procedures

Northwest Mississippi Community College begins accepting admissions applications for the 2020-2021 academic year (Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Summer 2021) beginning August 15, 2019.

Prospective students may complete an Application for Admission electronically via www.northwestms.edu then select APPLY. Paper applications for Admissions are available in the Office of Admissions and Records on the main campus or any Center location. The following records must be on file in the Office of Admissions and Records on the main campus before registration.

  1. A completed application for admission.
  2. An official copy of a transcript from an accredited high school that includes a graduation date and signature of school official OR an official copy of High School Equivalency (HSE) scores.
  3. An official copy of ACT or SAT scores (ACT required for Mississippi residents).
  4. An official copy of college transcript(s) from ALL colleges attended.

When all required documents have been submitted, the student will be sent a letter of acceptance.


Dual Enrollment

High school students may attend Northwest simultaneously if the following requirements are met:

  1. Student must have achieved junior status (students below junior status but with a composite ACT of 30 or the equivalent SAT score are eligible for dual enrollment).
  2. Must complete all admission procedures listed above.
  3. Submit an unconditional written letter of recommendation from high school principal or guidance counselor.

Special ACT requirements are in place for certain courses.

Fees for dual enrollment courses may vary depending on method of course delivery.

For additional information regarding Dual Enrollment courses taught on high school campuses, please contact the Office of Early College Programs or visit http://www.northwestms.edu/index.php/?page_id=356.

Early Admission

Students who withdraw from high school may attend Northwest under “early admission” if all of the following requirements are met:

  1. Must have completed a minimum of fourteen (14) core high school units.
  2. Must have a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, or better, on all high school courses as documented by an official high school transcript; a home-schooled student must submit a transcript prepared by a parent, guardian, or custodian with a signed, sworn affidavit to meet the requirement of this paragraph.
  3. Students must have an unconditional written recommendation from their high school principal and/or guidance counselor. A home-schooled student must submit a parent, legal guardian, or custodian’s written recommendation.
  4. Must have a minimum ACT composite score of twenty-six (26) or the equivalent SAT score.
  5. The principal or guidance counselor of the student must recommend in writing that early admission is in the best educational interest of the student. The recommendation shall also state that the student’s age will not keep him from being a successful full-time college student.

Home-Schooled Students

Home-schooled graduates will be considered for admission if they have completed the required number of high school units to graduate in their state of residence at the time of graduation. If there are specific courses required for high school graduation, the student must have satisfactorily completed these courses, also. An official transcript is required from a recognized home school agency and signed by an official of that agency. An official transcript signed by a parent must show all courses completed, grades earned, and total number of units. In addition, parents must submit a notarized, sworn affidavit stating that the student’s record is accurate and complete. Home-schooled students must satisfy all other admission requirements pertaining to the different categories of admission.

Adult Students

Students who are 21 years of age or older at time of registration are not required to submit ACT or SAT scores unless their program of study requires a certain score on the ACT or SAT for admittance. However, students without ACT or SAT scores will be required to take the Northwest placement tests in English, Math, and Reading before being allowed to register for classes (unless they are registering for a program that requires no academic classes at all).

Foreign Students

The College is not authorized to complete the required I-20 Form of the US Citizenship and Immigration Service for non-immigrant students. Students who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States will be admitted only if they can prove ties to the College’s 11-county district, such as being a family member of an area resident or being a student in a district high school. Such students will pay tuition at out of state rates.

Disabled Students

Northwest Mississippi Community College complies with all applicable laws regarding affirmative action and equal opportunity in all its activities and programs and does not discriminate against anyone protected by law because of disability. No disabled person is, on the basis of the disability, excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, any program, employment, or activity at the college. Disability Support Services are available to students with a documented disability. These services may include tutoring, large print or Braille tests and instructional materials, mobility assistance and other necessary materials or assistance. Requests for disability assistance should be made no later than six weeks prior to the start of a semester or summer session. Assistance in completing the application process will be provided for disabled persons.

Transfer Students

A transfer student is defined as one who has hours attempted on his permanent record at another institution. A transfer student does not need to provide a high school transcript or HSE and ACT or SAT scores if they provide instead an official transcript from a regionally-accredited institution of higher education in which the student earned a minimum of 12 credits and a minimum 1.35 cumulative grade point average is provided for admission. **Please note that a high school transcript or HSE may be required for Financial Aid or scholarships to be awarded.**

Transfer students must have an official transcript sent from each post-secondary institution previously attended. Transcripts from non-accredited technical institutions are required to be on file with the Office of Admissions and Records IF the student plans to request Financial Aid; however no credits will be articulated. Failure to report all colleges previously attended may result in dismissal by the Admissions Committee.

Transfer students seeking admission to Northwest who are on “academic probation” from another college or university will be accepted on “academic probation” and will be governed by regulations applied to Northwest students on probation. Transfer students who are on disciplinary probation, suspension, dismissal, or expulsion from a prior institution must disclose this status to the Office of Admissions and Records. This status will be considered in the admissions process. Failure to disclose such status prior to admission may result in dismissal from Northwest.

Transfer Credit

Credit earned at other regionally accredited institutions may be considered for credit by Northwest Mississippi Community College according to the following policies:

  • Official transcripts reflecting all completed coursework must be sent directly to the Office of Admissions and Records from the issuing institution.
  • Transfer credit will be evaluated as transcripts are received (beginning with Fall 2017 applicants). The Registrar assesses and recommends the courses which apply toward degree requirements (articulation of course credits). Courses accepted for transfer credit have curriculum validity and are determined equal to the same courses at Northwest.
  • Credit hours are adjusted to the Northwest semester hour scale for students who transfer from other accredited postsecondary institutions.
  • If a student transfers from another institution and intends to graduate from Northwest with an associate’s degree, at least 15 hours must be completed at Northwest in the area of study.
  • Courses transferred in will not count toward the Northwest GPA, but will be included in the Cumulative GPA for Mississippi Community College Board audit purposes.
  • The Registrar has final authority regarding the acceptance of credit.

Credit by Examination

Northwest Mississippi Community College will allow students to earn credit by examination under the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and/or the Advanced Placement Program up to a total of eighteen (18) semester hours.

College Level Examination

Program (CLEP) Policy Northwest awards academic credit through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) only on Subject Examination. The following requirements govern awarding of this credit:

  1. The student must be enrolled at Northwest and have completed fifteen (15) semester hours.
  2. The student must have a scaled score of 50 or above.
  3. The course must correspond to a course in the current college Bulletin.
  4. The credit must be limited to a total of eighteen (18) semester hours and may not be counted toward the residency requirement for graduation.
  5. To obtain credit in English Composition, the student must write an acceptable essay on a test administered and graded by the Humanities Department at Northwest.
  6. Use of CLEP credit in a Northwest degree program is subject to the approval of the Vice President of Instruction, Associate Vice President for Academic Instruction and appropriate Department Director.

The awarding of CLEP credit is administered by the Registrar. Accepted credits are recorded on the student’s transcript and may apply toward the meeting of the requirements for graduation. No grades or quality points are given for CLEP credits. Therefore, such credits are not used in the computing of grade point averages.

Advanced Placement Program

Students enrolling at the College will be allowed credit on the Advanced Placement Examination administered by the College Entrance Examination Board and sponsored by participating high schools. A maximum of eighteen (18) semester hours with no more than six (6) in one subject area may be allowed. Credit will be awarded only for minimum scores of three (3) or more. A list of accepted AP courses, scores, and Northwest course equivalents is available on the Northwest website at www.northwestms.edu.

The awarding of credit is administered by the Registrar. Accepted Advanced Placement credits are recorded on the student’s transcripts and may apply toward the meeting of the graduation requirements. No grades or quality points are given for Advanced Placement credits. Therefore, such credits are not used in the computing of grade point averages.

Acceptance of Military Credit

Credit may be granted to those applicants who enroll and upon submission of either D.D. form 295 or D.D. form 214 which indicates a period of continuous active duty for at least 90 days. Up to four semester hours of physical education credit may be granted for basic training, if physical education is required in the student’s program of study. Additional credit for training in formal service schools will be granted on the basis of recommendations published in A Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services in so far as the recommended credit can be evaluated as being equivalent to a specific course at Northwest Mississippi Community College. The maximum credit allowed from this source is twenty-four (24) semester hours. No quality points will be awarded nor will the credits be used in calculating the student’s grade point average.

Students planning to transfer to another college should familiarize themselves with the admission policies of that institution.

Northwest reserves the right to cancel the admission or registration to the college (or to any specific program of the college) of any individual whose attendance at the college, in the opinion of the Admission Committee, would not be mutually beneficial to the student and to the college.

General Admission Requirements

A student entering Northwest Mississippi Community College for the first time may enter by one of the following methods:

  1. High school graduate, (diploma)
  2. Non-high school graduate with a total of 23 acceptable units earned in high school, three of which must be in English.
  3. Successfully passing a Mississippi Community College Board approved High School Equivalency (HSE).
  4. Transfer from another college or university with 12 earned credits and a minimum cumulative grade point average of 1.35.
  5. Students who have received a Certificate of Attendance from high school, or have a tenth grade equivalence (9 1/2 academic units) and are at least 18 years of age may enroll in two career programs-Collision Repair and Welding and Cutting-if they successfully complete the CPT/ACCUPLACER test to show “ability to benefit.”
    Students who have received a High School Diploma or HSE whether receiving any financial aid or not should follow regular admission policies.
  6. Students who are at least 18 years of age and enrolled in Adult Education classes and who are enrolled in the MI-BEST Program may enroll in one Career-Technical program-Health Care Assistant.

No specific ACT score is required for admission unless the student’s major program requires a certain score.

Admission to Particular Divisions of the College

In compliance with the amended Section 43-11-13, Mississippi Code of 1972, effective January 1, 2004, all students enrolled in allied health programs are subject to criminal background checks before being allowed to provide patient care. This includes, but is not limited to, students enrolled in associate degree nursing, practical nursing, respiratory therapy, cardiovascular technology, EMT, surgical technology and paramedic programs.

  1. Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program
    See Nursing  for special admissions requirements
  2. Admission to Technical Programs
    Admission standards for a full-time or part-time technical student are the same as regular admission requirements. Students must be a high school diploma graduate, present 19 acceptable units, or have satisfactory scores on an approved HSE. ACT scores are also required.
  3. Career Programs with admission requirements that vary from the normal procedure are as follows:

Student Records

Policy Regarding What Constitutes a Student’s Permanent File

The Office of Admissions and Records keeps a record of academic achievement at the College, transfer transcripts, and test scores. After an application for admission and all necessary transcripts and test scores have been received, the Office of Admissions and Records creates two files for the student: a computerized file and a permanent hard-copy file.

THE COMPUTERIZED FILE. The computerized record contains a current transcript of grades, enrollment status (full or provisional), and schedule changes (dropadd). Application materials (such as name, social security number, address, etc.) and ACT/SAT scores are entered into the computer system. Documents submitted to Northwest including application(s) for admission, high school transcript, college transcript(s), HSE scores, schedule changes and withdrawal forms are all scanned into a computerized file.

THE PERMANENT FILE. The permanent file contains hard copies of such items as application materials and transcripts of grades. Items that must be kept in the permanent file include the original application for admission, high school transcript or HSE certificate, and official ACT/SAT score report. Items that also may appear in the permanent file include correspondence from the student or from high school counselors or teachers, probation/dismissal letters and college transcripts.

Policy Regarding Retention and Disposal of Student Records

This policy is published in the policies and procedures manual for the Office of Admissions and Records.

The procedures for retention and disposal of student records vary according to what records are being handled.

THE COMPUTERIZED FILE. Current computer records are kept on the college’s administrative computer system. These records include those from the fall of 1983 to the present. Computer records from before the fall of 1983 are kept on compressed disks.

THE PERMANENT FILE. Permanent files are stored in a secure location on the Senatobia campus accessible only to Office of Admissions and Records staff. No permanent files for students who enroll at Northwest are destroyed or purged.

WITHDRAWAL FORMS. Hard copies of Withdrawal forms are not kept in the permanent file. They are kept in a separate file in the Office of Admissions and Records. Current forms are kept in the Office of Admissions and Records. Forms older than five years are destroyed.

GRADES. Grades are entered into the computer system by the faculty. When grades are posted to the student’s file, a backup is created in the computer system. The Office of Admissions and Records has access to grades through the College computer system.

Veteran Student Affairs

Northwest Mississippi Community College has a full-time staff member to help assist all veterans and others who are eligible for Veterans Administration assistance. The VA counselor serves a vital purpose in contacting eligible persons and helping them make proper application. Also, regular communication between the veteran and this counselor is necessary while the veteran is enrolled in Northwest. Questions concerning VA benefits, programs, and regulations should be forwarded to this address:

Office of Financial Aid
Northwest Mississippi Community College
NWCC Box 7019
4975 Hwy. 51 North
Senatobia, MS 38668

Please refer to www.northwestms.edu, Financial Aid, Veterans Affairs for instructions on using your VA Education Benefits at Northwest.

Northwest Mississippi Community College acknowledges the sacrifice of service members and their families. Northwest has been named a silver-level “Military Friendly®” School. According to militaryfriendly.com, the Military Friendly® program creates civilian opportunities for veterans. By setting a standard, promoting it and raising the bar over time, it provides long-term, positive reinforcement for American organizations to invest in programs that improve the lives of veterans.

The College understands that the veteran brings unique experience and personal discipline to the classroom and offers a variety of educational modalities to meet the varying needs of the veteran. From traditional on-campus courses to online offerings to hands-on career-technical training, the veteran will be able to apply his or her life experience to the learning process. Class sizes are small so that instructors and advisors are readily available to students, and veterans are provided access to a full array of student services including advising, academic support, tutoring, career planning, and networking.

Veterans’ Standards of Progress


School records and accounts pertaining to veterans and other eligible persons enrolled in Northwest Mississippi Community College are readily identifiable and available for examination by authorized representatives of the State and Federal Government.1 The academic record of veterans includes information relative to admission, grades, cumulative absences, transcripts, as applicable. These records are located in the Office of Admissions and Records. The Registrar is responsible for the maintenance of these records. Records pertaining to fiscal related matters such as accounts of veterans are located in the Business Office of Northwest Mississippi Community College. The Vice President for Finance is responsible for the maintenance of fiscal records.

All school records and accounts of veterans in attendance at Northwest are readily identifiable through the utilization of a current list of enrolled veterans which is supplied and revised by the School Certifying Official.


To be accepted as a student at Northwest, the following items must be on file in the Office of Admissions and Records prior to registration:

  1. A completed application for admission,
  2. An official copy of ACT scores,2
  3. A complete high school and/or college transcript or HSE scores, when applicable.

The student will be notified as to admission status as necessary information is received in the Office of Admissions and Records. When all required material is on file in the office, the applicant will be sent a Certificate of Admission which must be shown when the student begins registration.

It is the sole responsibility of the veteran to ensure expeditious completion of admission requirements. Failure to provide required admission material will necessarily cause a delay in the processing and securing of financial assistance afforded eligible veterans.


Transcripts of previous education and/or training must be on file in the Office of Admissions and Records prior to the completion of an Enrollment Certificate by the School Certifying Official. Evaluation of credit earned through previous education or training will be made by the Registrar. A copy of the evaluation will be forwarded to the School Certifying Official who will report the credit accepted in the veteran’s proposed major field of study. Post secondary transcripts and/or training records are attached to the permanent record card as maintained in the Office of Admissions and Records.3


A permanent record of grades earned, absences, grade point average, and courses taken is maintained through the computer system.. The unit of credit is the semester hour. A semester hour is an hour recitation in one subject once a week for 18 weeks. Most of the courses in the curriculum meet three hours per week and give three semester hours credit. The grading system at Northwest Mississippi Community College is as follows:

GRADE: A - B - C - D - F

The permanent record at Northwest does include a final grade in each course attempted each semester of attendance. A “W” grade indicates withdrawal from a course or courses. The Registrar can verify dates of withdrawal in cases where it is not recorded on the permanent record. Northwest has a uniform course numbering system; therefore, re-enrollment in subjects from which withdrawal was made is evident on the record card. The number of absences in each course for each semester is recorded on the permanent record.


Veterans or eligible persons must meet an academic progress of a 2.0 GPA or higher in order to keep their certification active. We are required to pull student academic progress at the end of every semester, and report academic probation to the VA. If a student remains on academic probation beyond two semesters we will report a status of “Termination” to the VA, and they will no longer be eligible for certification for future semesters until they have shown academic progress. This means the student will be required to pay out of pocket to attend until they show academic progress. If the student believes a low GPA is a result of an extenuating circumstance, they do have the option to submit a Student Academic Appeal. Upon approval, certification will commence.

Please see the section “Appeal Process” under Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy in this Bulletin for more information.


A grade book maintained by each instructor should be an accurate record of any days absent for any student. Proper administrative officials at Northwest will communicate to all faculty the necessity of maintaining accurate attendance data on veterans and other eligible persons. All students are subject to the same policy if administrative action is taken because of excessive absences.

Note: Northwest does not offer a student “leave of absence policy.” If it should become necessary for a student to withdraw from his course of study during a semester, then the student must begin that semester’s course of study over.


Regular class attendance is a requisite for a student’s success in class and in future careers. When a student registers, that student accepts the responsibility of attending all classes and completing all class work assigned by the instructor. Beginning with the first class period, instructors will record absences at each class meeting and this information is entered in the student’s permanent record. The college reserves the right to sever its relationship with any student who incurs excessive absences. A student who misses an announced test or examination shall receive a “0” on the test or examination unless the instructor deems the absence to be of a justifiable nature.


Students are expected to be prompt in class attendance. A student is counted absent from class if he or she misses more than 10 minutes of a class meeting. Three tardies constitute one absence.


The School Certifying Official is the Northwest official responsible for notifying the Department of Veterans Affairs concerning drops and withdrawals of eligible veterans. Information concerning drops and withdrawals will be reported as soon as the School Certifying Official is informed. The Office of Admissions and Records will assist the School Certifying Official in connection with drops and withdrawals.

When a veteran or eligible person has completed a probation period and not earned the proper grade average, this person will be notified by Northwest Mississippi Community College.


An individual can attend or participate in a course of education if the individual provides a certificate of eligibility under Chapter 31 or 33. A student can attend a course if on the date the student receives the COE until the earlier date VA provides payment to the school or 90 days after the school certifies tuition and fees. The school does not impose any penalty, including assessing late fees, denial of access to classes, libraries or school facilities, or require the student to borrow additional funds due to the inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution as a result of delayed payments for education assistance under Chapter 31 or 33, unless the student is less than 100% covered.


Northwest Mississippi Community College accommodates service members and reservists to be readmitted to a program if they are temporarily unable to attend class or have to suspend their studies due to service requirements.

School Officials Responsible for Veterans’ Records

VA Related Records Jessica Poole VA School Certifying Official
Admission and Grades Angela Dortch Registrar
Fiscal Related Jeff Horton Vice President for Administration & Finance
Disciplinary Records Dr. Tonyalle Rush Associate Vice President for Student Services & Enrollment Management

1 Northwest, in compliance with Privacy Rights of Parents and Students (45CFR Part 99) has developed a policy concerning the privacy of student records. A copy of the policy is available in the Office of Admissions and Records.

2 In cases of unusual circumstances, a student may be permitted to enroll at Northwest before taking the ACT. The student is required however, to sit for the ACT test during the first term of enrollment.

3 Determination of post secondary transcripts which are to be attached to the permanent record card shall be based on information provided on the Application for Admission.