2024-2025 Catalog 
    Feb 18, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog

Campus Regulations

Statement of Conduct and Philosophy

The following is the policy of the Board of Trustees regarding the conduct of students at Northwest Mississippi Community College. The rights, responsibilities, and prohibitions contained in this statement are incorporated as a part of these regulations.

The Board of Trustees of Northwest Mississippi Community College reaffirms its policies to fully support freedom of expression by each member of the student body and to preserve and protect the rights and freedom of its faculty members and students to engage in debate, discussion, and peaceful and non-disruptive protest and dissent. Under the Constitution of the State of Mississippi, under all applicable court rulings, and in keeping with the tradition of higher education in the United States, the Board is ultimately responsible for the orderly operation of Northwest Mississippi Community College and the preservation of academic freedom at the institution. The Board cannot and will not divest itself of this responsibility.

The Board of Trustees stipulates that any student, faculty member, administrator, or employee, acting individually or in concert with others, who clearly obstructs or disrupts, or attempts to obstruct or disrupt teaching, research, administrative, disciplinary or public service activity, or any other activity authorized to be discharged or held on the campus of Northwest, is considered by the Board to have committed an act of gross irresponsibility and shall be subject to disciplinary procedures, possibly resulting in dismissal or termination. The Board of Trustees reaffirms its belief that all segments of the college community are under strong obligation and have a mutual responsibility to protect the campus community from the conduct of disorderly, disruptive, or obstructive actions which interfere with academic, career, and/or technical pursuits of teaching, learning, and other campus activities.

College regulations provide guides for college life. A student is expected to display an attitude in which cooperation, good judgment, and good taste are standards of life at the College. Regulations are designed to protect the interest and well-being of the student, his or her family, the College, and society. Disciplinary measures are designed to be corrective and beneficial to the educational development of the student. Disciplinary measures may range from the counseling of, to the expulsion of, the student from the college community.

Purpose of the Code of Student Conduct

The purpose of the Northwest Mississippi Community College Code of Student Conduct, related rules and regulations, and disciplinary procedures are to provide a framework for disciplinary policy and action which shall be consistent with principles of fundamental fairness for the student and with the philosophy of Northwest.

The aim and intention of Northwest Mississippi Community College is to institute within its operations and uphold with its procedures high regard for the health, safety, education, and moral development of the student body. Hence, there is a need for basic policies governing the actions of students as they relate to fellow students, faculty, and administrators in the academic community. The guiding force in the determinations of such policies is the realization that certain minimum standards of conduct must be met in order to create an atmosphere in which students and others can work toward and realize their educational and developmental objectives with minimum interference and maximum support and encouragement.

While the student has an obligation to observe college policy, it is realized that breaches of policy will occur. When a student is found to be in violation of policy, that personnel charged with dealing with such problems must operate within an established framework which has been made known to the student. In attempting to direct student behavior or to sanction a student whose behavior has been unacceptable, the administrator is obligated to do so in a fair and equitable manner and in accordance with the stated policy of the institution. Therefore, the obligation of the College and its administrators is of great consequence and not to be taken lightly by students, parents, administrators, or the public.

The procedures outlined here clearly show what the College must and will do in the process of administering discipline of significant consequence to a student. They are in every respect consistent with other statements of policy issued by this institution. Within the framework of official bulletins of the College and any official notices of the College, one can find all statements of policy, regulations governing student conduct, minimum requirements for continuing at Northwest, and penalties for violations. In addition, the proper channels of appeal are listed along with the positions of persons to whom appeals may be made.

Definitions of Terms Used in Code of Student Conduct

  1. The term “college” means Northwest Mississippi Community College.
  2. The term “student” includes all persons registered for classes at the College, both full-time and part-time. It does not include former students not currently registered for classes.
  3. The term “faculty member” means any person hired by the College to conduct classroom activities.
  4. The term “college official” includes any person employed by the College performing assigned administrative, professional, or staff responsibilities.
  5. The term “member of the College community” includes any person who is a student, faculty member, college official, or any person employed by the College. A person’s status in a particular situation shall be determined by the Vice President for Administration and Finance.
  6. The term “college premises” includes all land, buildings, facilities, and other property in the possession of or controlled by the College.
  7. The term “organization” means any number of persons who have complied with the formal requirements for College recognition.
  8. The term “disciplinary authority” means any persons authorized by the College to determine whether a student has violated the Student Code and to recommend imposition of sanctions.
  9. The “District Dean of Students” is defined as the person designated by the President to be responsible for the administration of the Student Code. The Dean may designate other college officials to assist in the administration of the Code.
  10. A “hearing officer” is defined as a college official designated to conduct informal hearings.
  11. The term “policy” is defined as the written regulations of the College as found in, but not limited to, the Student Code, the Bulletin, and official notices.

Code of Student Conduct

Students who register at Northwest agree to conform to its regulations and policies and are subject to disciplinary action upon violation of these regulations and policies. Any student found to have committed the following misconduct is subject to the disciplinary action outlined in this Bulletin.

Illegal or unauthorized possession or use of weapons, including but not limited to:

  1. Firearms, fireworks, explosives, dangerous chemicals, ammunition, air guns, pellet guns, or other weapons on college premises (even in automobiles).
  2. Possession or use of any item resembling a firearm (e.g. cap pistol, paintball gun, or water gun).

102-Violence to Persons
Violence to persons and offenses of abuse including but not limited to:

  1. Physical assault, abuse, or detention of any person, or conduct that endangers the health or safety of any person. The threat of physical assault, abuse, or detention of any person.
  2. Harassment, intimidation, bribery, bullying, or cyberbullying of any student, faculty, or staff. Harassment is considered to be words, behaviors, and/or actions that intentionally inflict serious mental or emotional distress on others and/or disrupt the educational environment.
  3. Violation of the Hazing Policy (see Annual Security Report  of this Bulletin).
  4. Sexual Harassment, defined as any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical conduct, or other verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature. (See Annual Security Report  of this Bulletin for further details of the Sexual Harassment policy.)
  5. Sexual Assault includes, but is not limited to, rape and is defined as any kind of sexual physical contact that involves force or any form of coercion or intimidation. Sexual contact with a person who is unable to consent is prohibited. (See Annual Security Report  of this Bulletin for further details regarding policies and regulations pertaining to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking.)
  6. Domestic Violence is defined by Mississippi law as one or more of the following acts between family or household members who live together, or who formerly lived together; or, between persons who are in a current dating relationship:
    1. attempting to cause; or, intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury with or without a deadly weapon;
    2. placing, by physical menace or threat, another in fear of imminent serious bodily injury; or,
    3. criminal sexual conduct committed against a minor.

​A dating relationship is defined as a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature. Family or household members means spouses, former spouses, persons living as spouses, parents, and children, or other persons related by blood or marriage. (See Annual Security Report  of this Bulletin for further details regarding policies and regulations pertaining to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking.)

  1. Dating Violence is defined as a pattern of behavior where one (1) person intentionally threatens or actually uses physical, sexual, verbal or emotional abuse to harm, intimidate or control another person with whom that person has a dating relationship. (See Annual Security Report  of this Bulletin for further details regarding policies and regulations pertaining to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking.)
  2. Stalking is defined as a course of conduct directed at a specific person, or making a credible threat, and knowing, or should know, that the conduct would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her own safety, to fear for the safety of another person, or to fear damage or destruction of his or her property. (See Annual Security Report  of this Bulletin for further details regarding policies and regulations pertaining to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking.)

Use of drugs, including but not limited to:

  1. Use, possession, distribution, or manufacture of narcotics, illegal drugs, illegal steroids, prescription narcotics, and/or drug-associated paraphernalia or controlled substances as defined by the laws of the State of Mississippi, except as expressly permitted by law, while on campus, or at an event and/or trip formally sponsored by an organization of the College (prescribed prescription narcotics possessed or taken as prescribed while under a licensed physician’s care do not apply).
  2. Public Intoxication (see Annual Security Report  of this Bulletin).

Use of alcohol, including but not limited to:

  1. Possession, consumption, or evidence of consumption, of alcoholic beverages on campus, or at an event formally sponsored by an organization of the College (even in automobiles).
  2. Public Intoxication (see Annual Security Report  of this Bulletin).

105-Disorderly Conduct
Disorderly conduct including but not limited to:

  1. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, public service functions, the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or other college activities.
  2. Participation in a campus demonstration that disrupts the normal operations of the College and interferes with the rights of other members of the college community. Inciting or refusing to leave the scene of an unauthorized demonstration or gathering when ordered to do so by an authorized official.
  3. Breach of peace, disorderly conduct, and aiding, abetting, or procuring another to breach the peace of the campus. This includes excessive noise; or lewd, indecent or obscene conduct or language; or public displays of affection, not in good taste, in buildings or on the grounds of the College.
  4. Gang-related activity.
  5. All students are responsible for the actions of their guests while on campus.
  6. Gambling defined as wagering: the practice of playing games of chance or wagering in the hope of winning monies.

106-Acts of Dishonesty
Acts of dishonesty including but not limited to:

  1. Falsification of records.
  2. The act of willfully and knowingly giving false information is strictly prohibited. This includes oral or written statements to college officials, faculty, or staff and altercation or misuse of college documents, records, or identification cards.

107-Safety and Endangerment

  1. Interfering with safety regulations, emergency evacuations, and/or equipment, including but not limited to:
    1. The setting of, or adding to, unauthorized fires on college premises, willful damage or misuse of fire protection equipment, initiation of a false alarm, or failure to evacuate during a fire alarm or drill.
    2. Violation of the campus tobacco policy (see below).
    3. Violations of automobile and parking regulations (see below).
  2. Endangering another’s or one’s own physical well being, including but not limited to:
    1. Skateboarding, roller skating, rollerblading, segways, hoverboards, or the like are prohibited.
    2. Possession or use of water balloons and water guns.
    3. Compromising the safety of a residence hall or other college facility, thereby endangering the health, safety, and welfare of oneself, the building occupants, and/or their property (e.g. propping open outside doors, allowing unauthorized access to others, the introduction of chemicals or pesticides of any kind on surfaces or in the air, blocking exit access, etc.).
    4. Administering or receiving a tattoo, piercing, or other procedure on the grounds of the College.

Trespassing, including but not limited to:

  1. Unauthorized entry to or use of college premises, including both buildings and grounds.
  2. Unauthorized possession or use of keys or access card to any college facility or other property.
  3. Unauthorized Contractual Services for maintenance, repair, or other work regarding campus facilities.
  4. Violation of the Curfew Policy (see Annual Security Report  of this Bulletin).
  5. Violation of the Guest Policy (see Annual Security Report  of this Bulletin).
  6. Solicitation of funds and distribution of leaflets and/or materials (door-to-door offerings) are prohibited on campus without the written permission of the Dean of Students. Buying, selling, and/or attempting to sell merchandise or services (profiting by any means) is also prohibited.


  1. Failure to comply with the directions of a College official in the performance of his/her duties, including but not limited to:
    1. Interfering with or failure to comply with directions of college officials and/or law enforcement officers acting in the performance of their duties.
    2. Failure to identify one’s self to officials when requested to do so.
    3. Abusive or disrespectful actions directed toward college officials.
    4. Disregard of financial obligations to the College.
  2. Abuse of the discipline system, including but not limited to:
    1. Failure to obey the summons of a hearing officer or body.
    2. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a disciplinary proceeding.
    3. Attempt to discourage or improperly influence an individual’s participation or use of the discipline system.
    4. Harassment or intimidation of an individual involved in a disciplinary proceeding.
    5. Failure to comply with a sanction imposed under the Student Code.
  3. Failure to carry a College Identification card or other violation of the college identification policy (see below of this Bulletin).

110-Property Abuse
Abuse of College property or private property, including but not limited to:

  1. Theft of, unauthorized possession of, damage to, or destruction of property of the College or to property of a member of the college community or of a visitor to the College.
  2. Littering of the campus.

Abuse of computers and other technology, including but not limited to:

  1. Unauthorized entry into a file, to use, read, change, or transfer the contents, or for any other purpose.
  2. Misrepresentation of self or a student or a student organization through computer or electronic means.
  3. Unauthorized use of another individual’s identification and /or password.
  4. Use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of another member of the college community.
  5. Use of computing facilities to view or send obscene or abusive messages.
  6. Use of computing facilities to interfere with the normal operation of the college computing system.
  7. Other violations of the computer usage policy (see below of this Bulletin).

112-Residence Hall Policies
See below in this Bulletin.

113-Learning Resources Code of Conduct
See below in this Bulletin.

114-Dress Code
See below in this Bulletin.

115-Student Organization Regulations
See below in this Bulletin.

116-Federal, State, and/or Local Laws

Students should reference the Student Conduct Procedures found in the Annual Security Report section of this Bulletin.

Automobile Regulations

Vehicle Services

The following services are available to all students while located on school property; Northwest is not liable for any damage incurred during these services. Vehicle services are not available off-campus.

  • Vehicle Unlock
  • Vehicle Boost (by use of power packs only; no booster cables will be used) If a vehicle requires one of the above services more than once in an eight-hour period, there will be a $5 charge for all services after the initial service.

These services are by courtesy of the Campus Police Department and are subject to officer availability.

General Regulations

Northwest strives to be a pedestrian-friendly campus. All drivers are admonished to respect the rights of pedestrians while driving on campus. A thorough understanding of these regulations is important because violations will result in needless expense and inconvenience to the student.

  1. A vehicle is defined as any car, truck, motorcycle, or another type of movable motorized transportation.
  2. All students, faculty, administration, and staff must register and obtain a decal for vehicle operation on campus at the time of school registration. The decal is to be permanently affixed to the left rear window or bumper of the vehicle in a manner in which removal of a decal would destroy the decal. Taping a decal to the window is not sufficient.
  3. All students will be charged a Parking Fee of $20.00 in both the Fall and Spring semesters. To obtain your first decal please have the following information: go to MyNWCC and register your vehicle, pay all fees and then come to Campus Police to be issued your decal.  Decals will not be issued until all fees are paid. Any student registering more than one vehicle will be required to purchase an additional decal for $5 each.  Any student appealing the parking fee due to not having a vehicle on campus, must complete the Parking Fee Appeal Form located at https://www.northwestms.edu/police-and-public-safety  This form must be completed each semester.
  4. A student who changes his or her residence hall or whose decal becomes illegible should come to Campus Police immediately in order to secure the proper decal. Also, when the owner trades his or her car, he or she is responsible for removing the old decal. Any violations noted against the old decal will be charged to the person to whom it was issued.
  5. No motor vehicle shall display more than one Northwest Mississippi Community College decal at any one time. No person who has registered a vehicle and received a decal shall affix, or permit any other person to affix, such decal to any vehicle other than the vehicle for which the decal was issued. Decals are non-transferable.
  6. Driving in a reckless manner is prohibited.
  7. Excessive driving or cruising campus with no intent or purpose is prohibited.
  8. Northwest is not responsible for contents in vehicles parked on campus.
  9. The speed limit on the Northwest campus is 20 mph unless posted differently. The speed limit in all parking lots is 5 mph.
  10. Registered operators must observe and obey all traffic and parking signs on campus.
  11. Registered students are responsible for their vehicles on campus.
  12. Vehicle operators must not repair vehicles on campus grounds or parking lots.
  13. Abandoned vehicles are not to be left on campus for more than 48 hours.
  14. Vehicles are not to be parked on grass, sidewalks, entrances, streets, or exits.
  15. All accidents should be reported immediately to Campus Police.
  16. Northwest reserves the right to impound vehicles or remove illegally parked vehicles at the expense of the owner or registered student.
  17. No faculty or staff person shall register any vehicle and obtain a decal for any full- or part-time student. No person shall utilize in any manner a decal issued to some other person.
  18. Summer school students must obtain a decal if they did not obtain one during the previous fall or spring semester.
  19. Records of all violations are kept by Campus Police.
  20. Music volume must be adjusted so that it can only be heard by the occupants of the vehicle.
  21. Any window of a vehicle that has tint film or that has been darkened otherwise so that the interior of the vehicle has a light transmittance of 35 percent or more, must have a certifying label attached to the window approving that the tint is within the state, county, and city guidelines.
  22. All motor vehicles must at all times be equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusually loud noise and/or annoying smoke. No vehicle is allowed using a muffler that has been cut out, bypassed, or altered using external devices.
  23. Temporary Decal: Temporary Decals will be issued by Campus Police for a period not to exceed two weeks. Students will be issued 1 temporary decal per semester for personal vehicles and any vehicle used throughout the semester. After the expiration of the temporary decal, a permanent decal must be purchased and properly displayed on the vehicle. Students driving a rental car will only be required to display a temporary decal. There is no fee for the temporary decal.  Please be aware that due to temporary decals being placed on the interior of the rear glass, dark tint can hinder Campus Police from being able to see the decal.

In addition to the above rules and regulations, all state laws pertaining to traffic and all other state and federal laws are in full force at all times.

Parking Regulations-Senatobia

The responsibility for finding legal parking spaces rests with the motor vehicle operator. Lack of space is not considered a valid excuse for violation of any parking regulation. The College does not guarantee a parking space in your desired zone. The Howard Coliseum parking lot is designated as an overflow parking area. Failure by any individual to find a legal parking space shall not be an excuse for the violation of these regulations.

  1. The color of the decal issued will designate the zone in which vehicles may be parked. Any motor vehicle which is parked in an area not designated as the proper zone will be ticketed. Resident students must park at their assigned residence hall lot.
  2. Decals for the Senatobia campus are color-coded as follows:
    1. Male residence hall students-white
    2. Female residence hall students-blue
    3. Commuting students-green
    4. Faculty and staff-red
    5. Short Term- yellow
  3. No student may park in a red zone (faculty and staff parking space) for any reason for any length of time.
  4. If a student changes residence halls, the student must obtain and affix the appropriate parking decal on the day of the move. There is no charge for this change of decal.
  5. Commuting students must park only in their designated parking areas. Commuter students are not permitted to park at residence halls for any reason. Residence hall students are only permitted to park at their residence hall. Having a white decal (male residence hall) does not entitle a student to park in any male residence hall parking lot, other than the residence hall they are assigned to. Having a blue decal (female residence hall) does not entitle a student to park in any female residence hall parking lot, other than the residence hall they are assigned to. Administrators, faculty, and staff may park wherever necessary on campus (except in spaces designated for the disabled, where curbing is painted yellow, on sidewalks, across parking lanes, or on campus lawns).
  6. In the event that a residence hall student must attend a class at the Oxford or DeSoto Centers, their residence hall decal will be honored as a commuter decal. These students must park in areas designated for commuter parking only. These students are not permitted to park in areas designated for faculty and staff.
  7. The Band Field Parking Lot, the Highway 51 Parking Lot, and the North Physical Science Parking Lot, with the exception of faculty/staff parking spaces, are for commuter parking only.
  8. Disabled persons will receive special consideration upon application to the Office of Disability Services.
  9. Vehicles are not to be parked where curbing is painted yellow, on sidewalks, across parking lanes, in the street, or on campus lawns.
  10. Students, faculty, or staff members may park in the Vistior Parking at any time, but not longer than 15 minutes.  Visitor Parking is not to be used by any student attending class.
  11. Short-term parking is designated with a yellow stripe and is limited to 45 minutes.  Short-term parking is to be used only when conducting business at Campus Police, the Post Office or Bookstore and when eating at Chick-fil-a or Broken Cup Cafe.  Short-term parking is not for students using the Fitness Center, Game Room, North Gym, Cheer Gym, Athletic Weight Room, or any other instructional or service area located in the McLendon Center. Vehicles left in Short-term for over 1 hour are subject to being towed by a local wrecker service at the owner’s expense without warning to the owner.
  12. Abandoned vehicles or vehicles causing a traffic hazard may be towed by a local wrecker service at the owner’s expense without warning to the owner.
  13. Any vehicle operated by a person whose driving privileges have been suspended will be towed away at the owner’s expense if located by Campus Police.
  14. Any vehicle parked in a reserved, no parking, or any area not designated for parking can be towed if deemed necessary by Campus Police.

Parking Regulations-DeSoto Center/ Lafayette-Yalobusha Technical Center

The responsibility for finding legal parking spaces rests with the motor vehicle operator. Lack of space is not considered a valid excuse for violation of any parking regulation.

  1. The color of the decal issued will designate the zone in which vehicles must be parked at all times. Any motor vehicle improperly parked will be ticketed.
  2. Disabled persons will receive special consideration upon application to the Office of Campus Police.
  3. Vehicles are not to be parked where curbing is painted yellow, in the street, on sidewalks, across parking lanes, or on campus lawns.
  4. Abandoned vehicles or vehicles causing a traffic hazard may be towed by a local wrecker service at the owner’s expense without warning to the owner.
  5. Any vehicle operated by a person whose driving privileges have been suspended will be towed at the owner’s expense if found by Campus Police.
  6. Any vehicle parked in a reserved or no parking area can be towed if deemed necessary by Campus Police.
  7. The DeSoto Center front gate opens at 7 a.m. and closes at 10 p.m. Vehicles left in the parking lot after 10 p.m. will remain secured until 7 a.m. the next morning.
  8. The speed limit in all parking lots is 5 mph.

Visitor Parking

Only visitors are allowed to park in spaces designated for visitors. For the purpose of these regulations, the term “visitor” includes all individuals who are NOT affiliated with the College as a student enrolled in classes, staff, faculty, external employee or vendor/construction worker.


Penalties for violations shall be as follows:

  1. Moving Violations
    1. Running stop signs: $50
    2. Careless driving: $75
    3. Speeding:
      up to 10 mph above limit: $25
      11 to 20 mph above limit: $50
      over 20 mph above limit: $100
    4. Reckless/dangerous driving: $100
  2. Parking/Other Violations
    1. ​Improper parking: $25
    2. Parking in no parking zones: $25
    3. Unauthorized parking in faculty/staff space: $25
    4. Unauthorized parking in disabled space: $150
    5. Decal improperly located: $10
    6. Excessive noise (radio or muffler): $100
    7. Other violations: $20
    8. Unauthorized parking on lawns: $25
    9. No decal: $20
    10. Tinted window violation: $50

The costs of decals are as follows:

​First faculty/staff decal: Free
Extra faculty/staff decal: $5
First student decal: Free
Extra student decal: $5
Temporary decal (2 weeks maximum): Free
Summer school (new students): Free

Decals are valid for one academic year (including summer school) and expire on July 31.

Students are reminded that violations of automobile and parking regulations are also violations of the Code of Student Conduct. As such, these violations can be forwarded for discipline procedures.

Procedure for Paying Tickets

  1. Tickets are to be paid at the College Business Office or via the myNWCC student portal.
  2. Northwest traffic regulations apply to all faculty and staff. Faculty and staff will be ticketed.


A student wishing to appeal a violation penalty should make the appeal to the Campus Police Office within five working days of receiving a citation. Any person who fails to appear and contest a ticket after five days from the date of the ticket shall be considered to have waived the right to an appeal. Ignorance of the regulations or unavailability of a legal parking space is not grounds for an appeal. Ticket appeals will be forwarded to the issuing officer for review. If the ticket is not dismissed by the officer, it will be referred to the Ticket Appeal Committee for consideration. The decision of the committee is final; there is no second appeal process. Any student found responsible for violating Sections 105, 106, or 109 of the Student Code of Conduct automatically terminates their right to file an appeal for a citation connected to that incident.

Information about the Ticket Appeal Committee, including meeting dates, may be obtained at the Campus Police Office.

Tips for Writing a Successful Citation Appeal:

Read over the traffic and parking rules and regulations to see why your citation was issued. Determine if there is something stating your documented violation is allowed by the traffic and parking rules and regulations. Appealing for the wrong violation will not result in a successful appeal.

Common reasons for unsuccessful appeals:

  1. Improper display of decal or the decal is not permanently affixed
  2. Failure to purchase any decal or appropriate decal
  3. Inclement weather
  4. Late arrival for class or meeting
  5. Parking in a disabled space when you do not have the required decal

Also, keep in mind that traffic and parking citations are given all day, every day. Lastly, remember that you are responsible for your registered vehicle. If someone else is driving your vehicle and it is issued a parking citation, you are responsible for the citation.

Residence Hall Policies

Residence Halls

Residence halls are provided by Northwest Mississippi Community College for the convenience of students who cannot or do not wish to commute on a daily basis. Residence hall life often makes for a fuller and richer college experience for students. Our mission is to first serve the residents of our eleven-county district and then the other residents of the state of Mississippi. Northwest does not offer campus housing to out-of-state students due to demand from in-district and in-state students (exceptions are made for scholarship athletes, special programs, and during the spring semester if there is available space after all in-state students are housed).

Northwest operates eleven residence halls housing approximately 1,309 students. Residence halls are available only to students who take a full academic, career, or technical course load (excluding virtual classes) and who attend class regularly. Students must also meet the grade-point requirement for residence students. Students are limited to six semesters (not including summer sessions) to reside in the residence halls. All residence hall policies are described in the Bulletin.

Students who wish to apply for housing should obtain a residence hall application from the Housing or Recruiting offices or via the Housing and Residence Life page of the Northwest website. Completed housing applications should be submitted to the Housing and Residence Life Office, located on the second floor in Yalobusha Hall, with a nonrefundable room reservation fee of $85 for all residence halls. 


Northwest does not assume any legal obligation to pay for loss or damage to the student’s personal property if it occurs in its buildings or on its grounds, prior to, during, or subsequent to the period of the student’s residence on-campus. The student or student’s parents are encouraged to carry appropriate insurance to cover such losses.

What is a Residence Life Coordinator?

A Residence Life Coordinator (RLC)  is a professional Northwest employee who supervises the Residence Hall Directors within a designated area. The RLC resides on campus and is an additional resource for their residents. The RLC assists the residence hall staff in maintaining order in the residence halls through room inspections, as further discussed on page 107 of this Bulletin, and via a “Campus Appearance Ticket” for behaviors that violate the Student Code of Conduct.

What is a Residence Hall Director?

A Residence Hall Director (RHD) is a Northwest Mississippi Community College employee who manages the residence hall in which he/she resides. The Residence Hall Director is the student’s first point of contact and is a great resource to our campus for their residents. The Residence Hall Director oversees all aspects of check-in, check-out, open residence hall, and any other information that may be relayed from the Housing and Residence Life Office. In addition, the Residence Hall Director maintains order in his/her residence hall through room inspections as further discussed on page 107 of this Bulletin and via a “Campus Appearance Ticket” for behaviors that violate the Student Code of Conduct.


Residence halls are available only to students who take a full academic, career, or technical course load (excluding virtual classes) and attend class regularly. Class attendance will be monitored by the Housing and Residence Life Office. Students will be notified when they fall below full-time status and will be asked to vacate the residence hall. Exceptions to this policy are made by the Director of Housing and Residence Life or designee under the most unusual of circumstances.

In-State Residency

The mission of Northwest Mississippi Community College is to first serve the residents of our eleven-county district and then other residents of the state of Mississippi. In recent years, Northwest has experienced a high demand for our residence halls and has not been able to house out-of-state students. Northwest does not offer campus housing to out-of-state students (exceptions are made for scholarship athletes and special programs).

Six Semester Limit

In order to foster academic progression, residence hall students are limited to six (6) semesters of residence hall living (not including summer semesters).

GPA and Credit Requirements

  1. Northwest Mississippi Community College views satisfactory academic progress as indicative of a student’s efforts to achieve his or her educational goals. To encourage progress toward those goals, all residence hall students must meet the College grade point average and credit requirements for living in the residence halls. These requirements are similar to those used by the Admissions and Financial Aid offices in determining satisfactory progress.
    1. At the completion of the second semester of full-time study at the college, a student must have accrued a minimum of 12 credits and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 1.50.
    2. After the completion of the fourth semester of full-time study at the college, a student must have accrued a minimum of 30 credits and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0.
  2. Students who do not meet the minimum requirements will lose their privilege to live in the residence halls and will be notified by letter that they will not be able to live on campus.
  3. Students who wish to request an exception due to extraordinary circumstances may appeal to the Director of Housing and Residence Life.
    1. The Director of Housing and Residence Life will forward the appeal to an Ad Hoc Committee on Residence Hall GPA Appeals.
      1. The committee will consist of the Director of Housing and Residence Life (chair); the Coordinator of Housing Operations; one Residence Life Coordinator; one Residence Hall Supervisor; and one student appointed by the chair.
    2. Students must file an appeal within 15 days from the date of their notification letter. The notification letter will specify the date, time, and location of the committee meeting.
    3. Students may appear in person at the meeting or may submit a written appeal for consideration by the committee.
    4. Students will be notified by letter of the outcome of their appeal.


New Students

  1. All applications for residence halls should be sent directly to the Housing and Residence Life Office for review and approval.
  2. No residence hall room reservation is made until a student’s housing application and room reservation fee of $85 for all residence halls is on file in the Housing and Residence Life Office.

Returning Students

  1. Current residents whose intent is to return to the residence halls for the next year should do the following to ensure their priority:
    1. Complete and submit future semester Room Reclaim Form (typically scheduled for the week of pre-registration, see calendar and residence hall postings for dates).
      1. Students who reside on-campus during the fall or spring semester have the opportunity to reclaim their present residence hall or request a different residence hall for the future fall or spring semester.
      2. Students will complete a Returning Residence Hall Student Application (Room Reclaim) online via the college’s website.
      3. Students will receive their assignments for the future semester.
    2. If a student does not plan to return for the following semester, the student will still be required to complete a Room Reclaim Form, as well as indicate their intention on their check-out form.


The room reservation fee is non-refundable. 

No Shows

Students with residence hall reservations that have not registered for at least 15 hours by August 1 (for Fall semesters) or January 1 (for Spring semesters ) shall forfeit their room.


  1. Priority
    1. ​Returning students who participate in Room Reclaim are given first priority. Those who reclaim their same residence hall are assigned first. Students requesting other Residence Halls are then assigned by the initial date of a room reservation fee, completed housing application and space availability.
    2. Returning students, who did not pre-register or participate in Room Reclaim, should complete a returning student application at check-out. These applicants are assigned to residence hall preference by date of room reservation fee and completed housing application.
    3. New students are assigned to residence hall preferences by date of room reservation fees and completed housing application.
    4. Due to space limitations, private rooms are not available.
  2. Roommate Requests
    1. ​All attempts are made to honor roommate requests when requests are mutual and deposits are submitted within 5 days of each other. Mutual roommate requests are prioritized based on the latest date of room reservation fees and completed housing applications of requested applicants.
  3. Room Changes
    1. ​Requests for change of room and/or roommates will be considered after the second week of the semester.
    2. Room changes must be approved by the Residence Hall Coordinator/Director and the appropriate paperwork process completed.
  4. Residence Hall Changes
    1. ​Oftentimes, students do not receive their first preference of residence hall choice. The Housing and Residence Life Office maintains a waiting list for each type of housing (apartments and suites) prioritized by the date of room reservation fee and completed housing application. When an apartment or suite vacancy arises, the Housing and Residence Life Office contacts the applicants on the waiting list.
    2. Should a student accept the offer to relocate, the following process is followed:
      1. The student picks up the Residence Hall Transfer Form from the Housing and Residence Life Office.
      2. The student pays the fee difference at the Cashier’s window of the Business Office.
      3. The student properly checks out of current residence hall.
      4. The student obtains a new parking decal for the vehicle.
      5. The student properly checks into the new residence hall.
      6. The entire process is completed within the allotted time frame.
  5. Consolidation
    The Housing and Residence Life Office may consolidate rooms to full capacity when vacancies occur and may move students to another room when such consolidation becomes necessary. Consolidation will begin the week after the room change period for the fall semester and continue through the 10th week of classes. Consolidation will begin the second week of classes for the spring semester and continue through the ninth week of classes.
    1. The Residence Hall Coordinator/Director will submit a list of all residents who do not have a roommate within that residence hall to the Housing and Residence Life Office on a weekly basis.
    2. The Housing and Residence Life Office will first offer vacant spaces to any students on the waiting list for a specific residence hall or the housing waiting list.
    3. ALL residents without a roommate will be notified by the Housing and Residence Life Office of the following options:
      1. Select a roommate from the list of residents who is also in this process.
        1. Inform the Housing and Residence Life Office which room both students will occupy.
      2. Wait for the Housing and Residence Life Office to assign the student to a new room or assign a roommate to the student’s room.
    4. The resident will be given five business days to complete the consolidation process.
  6. Residence Hall Relocation and Dismissal
    The Director of Housing and Residence Life has the right to relocate or dismiss a student from the residence halls.

Check-In Procedures

  1. Students are issued a Residence Hall Housing Inventory Form, resident’s personal data card, resident’s confidential medical information form, room key(s), and information on how to access the Student Bulletin and Missing Persons Contact form via the college’s website.
    1. The student is to inspect the room and document the current condition of the room as indicated on the inventory sheet.
    2. The student is to complete the personal data card and confidential medical information form.
    3. The student is to obtain their room key.
  2. All forms should be returned to the Residence Hall Coordinator/Director no later than the residence hall’s mandatory meeting.
  3. Students should attend any residence hall meeting(s) assigned by their Residence Hall Coordinator/Director. All students must complete the Housing and Residence Life module via Canvas no later than 2 weeks after the first day of class.

Roommate Agreements

At check-in, residents are provided a roommate agreement to complete with their roommate. The agreement is a list of questions to start dialogue between roommates to assist in communication, establish boundaries, encourage mutual respect, and lessen conflicts. Residents are encouraged to submit these completed agreements to the Residence Hall Coordinator/Director within the first two weeks of classes.

Holiday and Break Housing

Although classes are not in session during these times, the residence halls remain open during the Labor Day, Fall Break, Martin Luther King Jr., and Easter holidays.

  1. In order to protect the safety of students, all students intending to remain in the residence halls during the holiday and corresponding weekend must complete the Holiday Housing Agreement via the college website.
  2. The Holiday Housing Agreement is available via a link on the college website one week prior to the holiday until 12 p.m. the day before the holiday or corresponding weekend.
  3. The Holiday Housing Agreement states: By clicking submit, I acknowledge that the supplied name, residence hall, room number, and phone number submitted are assigned to me. I further acknowledge that I will be remaining in my residence hall during this holiday time. I understand that this accommodation is a privilege; and violation of the Code of Student Conduct during this time may result in the loss of this privilege, fines, and/or dismissal from the residence halls.

The residence halls are closed to all students during the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring breaks, as well as breaks between the spring and summer semesters and fall and summer semesters. Please refer to the academic calendar and postings in your residence hall for specific residence hall closure dates and times.

Laundry Facilities and Equipment

Each apartment unit within DeSoto and Marshall Halls has a washer and dryer. These appliances are to be used by the assigned residents only. Bobo, Benton, Calhoun, Gainey, Panola, Quitman, Tallahatchie, and Taylor Halls each have laundry rooms where washers and dryers are available for residents to utilize.

Guest Visitation Policy

Residents will be allowed to have guests Monday - Wednesday from 5 PM- 10 PM. Guests within residence hall buildings must abide by the following:

  • Host residents must sign in their guests at the front desk with a Housing and Residence Life staff member.
  • All guests must be at least 18 years of age and provide an NWCC student ID, an ID from a recognized college or university, or a valid driver’s license. The guest’s form of identification will remain at the front desk until the guest is ready to leave.
  • Host residents must always escort guests throughout the building or in the main lobby and courtyard areas.
  • Host residents will be responsible for the behavior and actions of their guests while visiting the residence hall. 
  • Residents will be allowed one (1) guest at a time (one guest per resident).
  • Guests must utilize the appropriate restroom facilities provided within the visiting residence hall.
  • Host residents and guests will be instructed to checkout from visitation hours starting @9:30 PM
  • Visitation is a benefit of the live-on experience, and therefore, residents and guests are subject to the suspension or removal of visitation in the event of conduct violations in alignment with the Northwest Mississippi Community College Student Code of Conduct.

Check-Out Procedures

Regular Check Out

  1. The residence hall student must make an appointment with their Residence Hall Coordinator/Director during regular working hours to check out of his/her assigned room. This appointment should be made within 12 hours of the student’s last exam. All check-out appointments should be made no later than 4 p.m. on the last day of final examinations unless special permission has been previously obtained.
  2. The student must have all of his/her belongings removed from the room.
  3. The room must be cleaned (see Residence Hall Coordinator/Director for specifics).
  4. The student must return the issued room key to the Residence Hall Coordinator/Director.
  5. The student must read and sign the check-out form.

Improper Check Out

  1. Any residence hall student who fails to utilize express check-out or make an appointment with their Residence Hall Coordinator/Director for regular check-out will be considered an improper check-out.
  2. Improper check-out automatically results in the student’s forfeit of their entire room deposit.
  3. If the room was not cleaned, the student will be charged a cleaning fee in addition to the loss of room deposit.
  4. If the room has any damages (including not returning the room key), the student will be charged for repair in addition to loss of room deposit.

General Residence Hall Policies

Expectations of Residence Hall Students

Living in the residence halls is considered a privilege and not a right. A student’s residence on campus is contingent on that student’s compliance with the policies established for the general welfare of all residence hall students. It is the responsibility of all students in the residence halls to become aware of and observe all published rules affecting their status within the residence hall system at Northwest.

Rules and Regulations

The following Rules and Regulations must be observed by all residents and guests:

  1. Posted Room Inspection
    1. Six times during a semester, there will be posted room inspections.
    2. Residence Hall Coordinator/Directors will post the date of room inspections at least 2 working days in advance.
    3. During this time, the residence halls will be inspected for the following:
      1. Cleanliness (garbage removed, floors cleaned, no odors, bathrooms cleaned (where appropriate).
      2. Safety (no appliances, candles, or other items that would endanger the safety of the community as well as cleared exit paths, etc.)
      3. Security (doors are locked and working properly)
    4. Residence Hall Coordinator/Directors will issue notices (“gigs”) if deficiencies in cleaning standards are found.
      • Warning gig encourages you to speak with your Residence Hall Coordinator/Director to make certain you understand what is expected.
      • 1st gig will result in a $10 fine.
      • 2nd gig will result in a $25 fine.
      • 3rd gig will result in a referral to the Residence Life Coordinator or the Director of Housing and Residence Life which may result in relocation, dismissal from the residence hall, and/or additional fines.
  2. Unannounced Room Inspections
    1. Supervisors may inspect residence hall rooms for cleanliness, safety, or security, unannounced.
    2. Gigs are not issued; but, instructions and/or deadlines given by the Residence Life Coordinator/Director, are expected to be met.
    3. Failure on the resident’s part to follow instructions will result in disciplinary action.
  3. What is and what is NOT allowed
    1. Allowed
      • ​​Cooking appliances to include crock pots, coffee makers, self-contained grilling machines, Instant Pots and small hot pots. Refrigerators that are 4.5 or less cubic feet.
      • Command Strips are allowed only in Bobo, Taylor, Quitman, and Gainey (residence halls with concrete walls) if carefully removed specifically following package directions. Faulty removal of Command Strips causing damage to the wall surface will result in charges to the student for wall repairs.
      • Tacks and small nails are allowed in Benton, Tallahatchie, DeSoto, Panola, Marshall and Calhoun (residence halls with drywall). Excessive use of tacks and nails will result in charges to the student for wall repairs.
      • Room decorations which are in good taste.
    2. NOT allowed
      • Pets and other animals (including fish and reptiles).
      • Refrigerators over 4.5 cubic feet, electric heaters, air fryers, sunlamps, and appliances such as microwave ovens, toasters, fryers, and hot plates are prohibited.
      • Exercise equipment and/or other items that could be considered disruptive, damaging, or injurious are not permitted. Treadmills, bicycles, and weights are specifically not permitted.
      • Candles, combustible substances, dangerous chemicals, pesticides.
      • Natural or artificial trees.
      • Christmas lights, rope lights or tubular party lights.
      • Plug-in air fresheners or incense.
      • Cinder blocks.
      • Room decorations that are NOT in good taste.
      • Alcoholic beverage containers (full or empty).
      • Gambling is prohibited in all residence halls.

All outside furniture designated for the common areas of apartment-styled buildings must be approved by the Residence Hall Coordinator/Director. Novelty or decorative items that may cause a distraction to onlookers should not be placed in windows, doorways, or breezeways.

  1. Residence Hall Quiet Hours begin in all residence halls at 10 p.m. and end at 10 a.m. the next day. This includes adjacent parking lots.
    1. Excessive noise at any time will result in disciplinary action.
    2. Alarm clocks, radios, televisions, stereo equipment, and any other sound apparatuses shall not be loud enough to be heard in other rooms or disturb or disrupt the normal tone of the residence hall. Stereo speakers are limited to no more than ten (10) watts.
    3. Students are not to engage in conversation out of windows or across balconies or make unnecessary noise in the residence hall (interior, exterior, outlying areas, and parking lots).
    4. Gathering or congregating in such a manner as to disturb the normal educational process of the residence hall is not permitted.
  2. Babysitting is not permitted.
  3. Room Condition
    1. No furniture or other items of inventory may be removed from the residence hall without written permission from the Housing and Residence Life Office.
    2. Window blinds are furnished in each room. Curtains may be hung using a spring-type rod only.
    3. Vandalism or abuse of living quarters is prohibited. Students found responsible shall be assessed the cost of repair, the replacement of damaged or missing items, and/or the cleaning of the room.
  4. Compliance
    1. Students must comply with a request by a college official to disperse or leave the residence hall or any adjacent area when they are acting in a disorderly, disruptive, and/or excessively noisy manner.
    2. All thefts, damage to property, etc. should be reported immediately to the Residence Hall Coordinator/Director and Campus Police. The College assumes no responsibility for loss or damage.
    3. Loitering around the entrances and in the lobbies of the residence halls is not permitted. Loitering will not be permitted around unauthorized areas.
    4. Solicitation of funds and distribution of leaflets and/or materials (door-to-door offerings) are prohibited in the residence halls without the written permission of the Director of Housing and Residence Life. Buying, selling, and/or attempting to sell merchandise or services (profiting by any means) on any Northwest campus is prohibited.
    5. Unauthorized room changes are not permitted.
    6. For residence halls with breezeways, visits by members of the opposite sex in breezeway should be of limited duration.
    7. Students will be held responsible for violations of any other college policies or regulations. See the Code of Student Conduct and other college regulations for further information.
  5. Safety
    1. Residence hall rooms (entry doors) are expected to be locked at all times.
    2. All students are expected to enter or leave the residence halls only by the designated entrance after the residence halls are secured for the night.
    3. Fire and insurance regulations prohibit the burning of any material in the residence halls.
    4. Each student is responsible for his/her key at all times. Lost or stolen keys should be reported immediately to the Residence Hall Coordinator/Director and Campus Police. Keys may not be loaned out. A $100 fee will be charged for each lock recore.
    5. When a student is locked out of his or her residence hall room, the resident should contact the Residence Coordinator/Hall Director during their scheduled working hours and Campus Police when the Residence Hall Director is off duty. Campus Police will be en route as quickly as possible. (Unlocks do not take precedence over more important calls, duties, or assignments.)
      1. The Residence Hall Coordinator/Director or Campus Police Officer will request the student’s I.D. to verify that the student does reside in that residence hall room.
      2. The resident will be issued a Campus Appearance Ticket as a receipt that the room was unlocked.
      3. The first time a resident’s room is unlocked in a semester, there will be no charge.
      4. All subsequent unlocks will result in a fine of $5 each. The fines will be posted to the student’s account as a discipline fine and will be due at the time of clearance.
    6. No ball playing (frisbee) at residence halls or adjoining parking lots.

Emergency Residence Hall Closure

If a residence hall or residence hall room must close due to circumstances beyond the control of the College, students may be asked to vacate the premises for a period of time. Northwest will attempt to find accommodations for these displaced students.


Any accident, sickness, or other emergency situation in the residence hall should be reported to the Residence Life Coordinator, Residence Hall Director, or Campus Police.

Student Organization Regulations

Northwest Mississippi Community College is committed to the principle that students should be encouraged to participate in worthwhile campus activities. The college experience is enriched by participation in social, spiritual, cultural, physical, educational, and professional programs. To assist student organizations in realizing their full potential, the following guidelines and regulations have been developed.

  1. To retain the status of a recognized organization, all student organizations must submit an annual registration form. Any changes in the organization’s purpose or constitution must also be submitted at that time. Registration forms will be distributed to all faculty and staff members early in the fall semester. Forms will also be available in the Office of Student Services.
  2. All student organizations must be recognized by Northwest Mississippi Community College. To receive official recognition, new organizations must submit to the Dean of Students the following information:
    1. Name and phone number of a qualified campus adviser;
    2. Name and phone number of the president or other student leader;
    3. Statement of purpose;
    4. Constitution or by-laws of the organization; and
    5. A roster of members.

The Dean of Students will review such materials and determine if the organization’s mission and purpose are congruent with that of Northwest Mississippi Community College. The Dean will also verify that the organization’s constitution, statement of purpose, etc. is in compliance with all college rules and regulations. Upon initial approval by the Dean, the organization’s materials will be reviewed by the Activities Committee of the College which will grant final approval.

Upon final approval, the Dean of Students will issue a formal letter of recognition or disapproval to the organization. New organizations are recognized on a provisional basis for a two-year period. During this time, the Dean of Students will monitor the new organization so as to assist with the group’s growth and development. Organizations on provisional status may lose their recognition should they fail to meet the expectations of student organizations or if membership drops to unsustainable levels.

All student organizations of Northwest Mississippi Community College are expected to comply with all student organization and college regulations. The following policies will apply to all activities sponsored by recognized organizations:

  1. Only recognized student organizations may utilize college facilities. The only exception to this policy is organizational meetings by new groups held with the permission of the Dean of Students. Organizations must comply with all facility usage policies.
  2. Northwest Mississippi Community College shall not be responsible for injuries or damages to persons or properties resulting from the activities of student organizations, or for any debts or liabilities incurred by such organizations. Organizations are also responsible and liable for the conduct and actions of all members and guests.
  1. Each organization must agree to comply with all policies, regulations, and procedures established by Northwest, as well as with all municipal, state, and federal laws. The organization’s purpose and philosophy must be congruent with that of the College.
  2. Organizations having a national affiliation must be members in good standing with their national office in order to be recognized by the College.
  3. No discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race, color, creed, national origin, or disability is to be practiced by organizations in the selection or maintaining membership. Exceptions involve some organizations that by their nature include only members of a certain religion. Such exceptions may only be made by the Dean of Students.
  4. Each organization must have a campus adviser. A campus adviser is a faculty or staff member, employed full-time by the College, who is approved by the Dean of Students. Exceptions to full-time status may be made by the Dean of Students. A group may not orient new members without a campus adviser.
    1. The campus adviser will be required to do the following:
      1. Help develop and review the organization’s statement of purpose as needed.
      2. Help the officers develop a strategic plan for service to the College and the community.
      3. Assist the organization in fulfilling its purpose.
      4. Advise the organization on questions of college policy.
      5. Be available as a resource person for information concerning the organization.
      6. Attend any on-campus event sponsored by the organization.
      7. Approve activities sponsored by the organization.
    2. Should the adviser resign from the College or the organization, the group will have three weeks to identify a new adviser before losing related privileges. Extensions will be granted by the Dean of Students only when evidence is presented that a concerted effort to identify a new adviser has failed.
  5. No person or organization may use the name, seal, or any symbol of the College in any manner without written permission from the Dean of Students.
  6. A minimum number of six (6) members is required for groups to maintain recognition by the College. Failure to meet this membership minimum, or to maintain a demonstrated and continued interest, may result in loss of recognition by the College.
  7. Active membership in any student organization shall be limited to currently enrolled students. Professional organizations may include members of the business community.
  8. No organization may use the same name as a currently registered organization, or one similar to it, or have purposes that are similar to those of a currently registered organization.
  9. Deposits and withdrawals of all organization funds must be made through the Business Office. Expenditures must be approved by both the adviser and the president of the organization.
  10. No organization may solicit funds from any outside person, business, or organization without written approval from the Dean of Students. Any fundraising event shall be for the benefit of the organization as a whole or for charity. Funds shall not be distributed to the officers or members of an organization for personal profit or gain. Fundraising events must comply with all college fundraising regulations.


Northwest has vans that are available to campus organizations for group travel. The following procedure must be completed by the sponsor at least seventy-two (72) hours before departure:

  1. Submit a completed Travel Authorization Form to the office of the appropriate Dean or Director.
  2. Contact the Transportation Center office about vehicle availability, keys, and mileage forms. Users are assessed the standard mileage charge set annually by the Business Office.

No student is to drive a Northwest vehicle without proper authorization.

The Mississippi Community College Board has ruled that any and all student groups that attend a convention, conference or workshop must be accompanied by an official of that school.

General Policies and Regulations

Acceptable Use Policy for IT Resources

Definition of the Northwest Network

The computing facilities at Northwest Mississippi Community College consist of a network that encompasses all three campuses. The network provides connectivity for Northwest-owned computers, personal computers, and peripherals. Users consist of ALL students, faculty, staff, and guest users. These facilities are provided to users for educational and administrative activities. All users must utilize these systems in an efficient, ethical, and legal manner. Use of these facilities must be consistent with Northwest policies as well as all existing federal and state laws. Access to computing facilities is a privilege, not a right. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in disciplinary action as described in the Northwest Bulletin or the Northwest Policy Manual.

Additionally, the network provides connectivity for phone service at the College.


  •  Data files or messages being sent via the network are not private or secure communications.
  •  Employees should not use their Northwest assigned email for any purpose other than Northwest business.
  •  Northwest reserves its right, as owner of the network, to examine, capture, and archive any messages transmitted over the network and to review any data stored on Northwest-owned computers under the direction of the Information Technology (IT) Manager or Director of Information Technology.
  • If the security of the network is threatened, Northwest’s requirement to maintain the network’s integrity and protect the rights of users may supersede the individual user’s privacy.

Safety from Threats

While unwanted or unsolicited contact cannot be controlled within the network, users who receive threatening communications should notify Northwest Campus Police. Electronic threats are not tolerated. The college will respond to alleged threats consistent with policies in the Bulletin or the Policy Manual.

User Responsibilities

Responsibilities are a part of the privilege of network access. Users are expected to adhere to these responsibilities. Users who violate these regulations will be subject to disciplinary action as specified in the Bulletin or Personnel Manual. Violators may have their network access suspended, and depending on the seriousness of the violation, their actions may have further consequences. Furthermore, actions that violate federal or state laws may result in referral to the appropriate legal authority. Violations should be reported to the IT Help Desk, the Director of Housing and Residence Life, or the Director of IT.

  •  Users are responsible for the security of all logins/passwords and all assigned computer accounts. Access to logins, passwords or computer accounts may not be given to or obtained by any other party. Applications and services by unauthorized parties must be approved by the Information Technology Manager or by the Director of IT.
  •  Users may not misrepresent themselves or their data on the network.
  •  Users may not use the Northwest networks resources to gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to remote computers.
  •  Users may not install/uninstall any software/hardware/network devices on any Northwest-owned computer or on the Northwest network. Any software/hardware changes or requests should be submitted to the IT Help Desk.
  •  Users may not deliberately perform an act which will seriously impair the operation of computers, terminals, peripherals, or networks. Such acts include but are not limited to: tampering with components of a local area network, blocking communication lines, or interfering with the operational readiness of any computer.
  •  Users may not run or install any unauthorized program on any component of the network, including but not limited to, the classes of programs known as computer viruses, Trojan horses, Malware, and worms.
  • Personal equipment connected to the network in the residence halls must have proper virus prevention software installed.
  •  Users may not attempt to circumvent data protection or exploit security loopholes.
  •  Unauthorized wireless access points are prohibited on campus.
  •  Northwest is bound by Title 17 of the United States Code on Copyright and supports the provisions contained therein, therefore, users must abide by the terms of all software licensing agreements and copyright laws. Users do not have the right to receive or use unauthorized copies of software or make unauthorized copies of software for others. Users do not have the right to download materials subject to copyright laws using the Northwest campus wide network. Users may not duplicate or post another party’s copyrighted material (such as music, movies, software, or written materials), unless permitted by a license or within the fair use doctrine.
  •  Users may not use any college resource or device to send, print, request, view, display or store fraudulent, illegal, harassing, racial, obscene, pornographic, indecent, profane or inappropriate materials.
  •  Users may not deliberately perform acts that are wasteful of computing resources or that unfairly monopolize resources to the exclusion of others. Any person operating a network-intensive application or a defective computer that overloads the Northwest network will be notified, and steps will be taken to protect the overall network. This may include disconnecting the offending computer system from the network until the problem is resolved. If the condition is an imminent hazard to the network or disrupts the activities of others, the offending computer system or the subnet to which it is attached may be disconnected without advance notice.
  •  Users may not attempt to monitor another’s data communications, nor may they read, copy, change, or delete another user’s files or software without permission of the owner.
  •  Computing and networking resources are provided to support the mission of Northwest Mississippi Community College and may not be used for commercial purposes by any user.
  •  All network traffic exiting Northwest is subject to the policies of the network through which it flows, as well as to all Northwest policies.
  •  All Northwest computing and networking facilities are provided for use by the faculty, staff, and students for relevant academic, research, or administrative pursuits. Open Computer Labs in the Union may be reserved through the IT Help Desk. Like all other Northwest facilities, private use must be approved in advance through the Facility Reservations Coordinator.
  •  The content of any information made available to others via the Northwest Network is the sole responsibility of the person who created that information. It is their responsibility to be aware of all applicable federal laws, state laws, and Northwest policies. That person is liable for any violations of federal laws, state laws, or Northwest policies.
  •  Personal devices used for Northwest business must follow all the same guidelines outlined in this policy. The employee may be required to provide NWCC unrestricted access to the device and any content on the device related to NWCC. NWCC may require an employee to remove any NWCC-related business information from a personally owned or managed device.
  •  The Information Technology Manager and the relevant authorities should be notified about violations of computer laws and policies and potential loopholes in or breaches of the security of its computer systems and networks.

Regulations for Administrative Use

  •  Users must observe all provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) when accessing student records and sending messages via the network. Northwest strives to maintain all sensitive and confidential data in a secure environment, and this data is not to be disclosed unless required by law or college policy. Identifying information such as complete tax identification numbers or bank/credit card account numbers should not be included in email messages. The user of sensitive or confidential reports is responsible for ensuring policy compliance.
  •  All computer software written in-house, purchased by or licensed to Northwest, is college property and may only be used on college equipment by employees or other authorized persons.
  •  Maintenance of the college’s Web page on the Internet is the responsibility of the IT Department. Approval for changes to the site must be obtained via the regulations set forth in the Information Systems Web Site Policy.
  •  The phone system is intended to serve the needs of the College. As such, it is essential that personal usage of the College telephone not interfere with that purpose. The College recognizes that employees sometime need to place or receive personal calls. When employees find it necessary to place or receive personal calls, such calls should be made or received during non-work periods.

General Computer and Network Information
Northwest maintains a website at www.northwestms.edu. Students will find contact information for administrative offices, a faculty listing, course offerings, academic calendars, and other helpful information there.

An IT Help Desk is available, open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. It is located in the McLendon Center, room 210, on the Senatobia campus, inside the open computer lab. The Help Desk offers software help and limited hardware troubleshooting.

To contact the Help Desk, call 562-3934 or e-mail helpdesk@northwestms.edu.

Student Access

Students may access information such as their class schedule, course history, traffic fines, etc., via the myNWCC student web portal on the Northwest website using their student ID number and PIN. Students who attended Northwest in Spring 2014 and before will log in with the password that was assigned to them at that time. If you do not know your PIN, click on “Forgot ID/PIN?” and you will be prompted to select how/where you would like the information sent, via text or email. New students logging into myNWCC for the first time should use their six-digit birthdate as their PIN. New students will be prompted to change their PIN upon login to a six-digit number of their choice for access to myNWCC only. During registration, eligible students may also register and complete their registration through this portal. If students misplace their PIN, they may click on the “Forgot ID/PIN?” in myNWCC to retrieve that information.

Student access to their financial aid information is provided via the Student Financial Planning web portal using their student ID number and PIN. A link to the portal is provided under the Financial Aid section of the website. Students can see the status of their FAFSA submission, a checklist of any documents that must be submitted for verification and they have the ability to upload any documents required to complete the financial aid process. Students can see all types of aid they qualify for based on their FAFSA to provide true transparency to our students, as well as any State Aid or Institutional Aid they may have been awarded.

Network Access
Student User/Login ID for all Northwest IT services is the student ID number, providing a single sign-on experience for students. The student’s password is the same as their password/PIN# in myNWCC. These login credentials will provide access to login to computers on campus, CANVAS, the network storage (“H drive”) as well as webmail. If students misplace their PIN#, they may click on the ‘Forgot ID/PIN’ in myNWCC to retrieve that information or, it may be obtained by contacting a counselor at the DeSoto campus, an employee in the library of the Oxford campus, or by going to the IT Help Desk in the McLendon Center computer lab with a student ID. Help Desk personnel are not allowed to give login information over the phone. A student’s username is their first initial, last name, and the last four digits of their student ID number.

E-mail Accounts
Students are automatically assigned a Northwest e-mail address when their application for admission is processed. Email addresses are in the form of username@northwestms.edu. All e-mail accounts can be accessed through the WebMail link on the Northwest Web site using their Northwest student ID number. Student’s Username is the first initial of their first name, full last name, and last four digits of their student ID. The student ID number may be substituted for the username on the student email address. The student’s password is the same as their password/PIN# in myNWCC. Student email accounts are deleted when the account has not been accessed for up to one year.

Network Storage
Students are allowed 50MB of storage space on the Northwest network to store coursework or other classroom projects. Access to this network storage space is given to the student upon login to the network in the form of an extra (U:) drive listed under the “My Computer” icon on the PC. This storage space may be accessed from any classroom, lab, or residence hall computer connected to the Northwest network, as well as via the Northwest website. Storage space are deleted when the account has not been accessed for up to one year. Students are encouraged to backup any files they would like to save to another media before the end of each semester.

Internet Access
Students will login using their student ID number. The student’s password is the same as their password/PIN# in myNWCC. There is wireless Internet available on all three Northwest campuses. The connection is called NWCC_Student. Internet connections ARE monitored for appropriate usage. Students are required to read and follow the Acceptable Use Policy for Computing which is located on the Northwest website and in the previous section of the Bulletin.

Computers on Campus
Northwest maintains open computer labs for faculty and student use. On the Senatobia campus, they are located in the McLendon Center and in the R.C. Pugh Library. On the Southaven and Oxford campuses, the open labs are located in the library. These computers have the most recent versions of Microsoft Office, Internet browsers, and various academic programs. All users must be prepared to show a current Northwest ID to utilize the labs. Check page 82 of this Bulletin for lab hours. Users are not allowed to install/delete any programs or change any desktop settings on these computers.

Canvas System
Through any Internet connection and on a wide variety of mobile devices, students can at their convenience access materials for courses taught at Northwest. Canvas is used for all online courses and for supplemental resources in on-campus courses. A link to the Northwest Canvas system is provided through the Northwest Web site or can be reached directly at https://northwestms.instructure.com. Students may log in to the Northwest Canvas system using their Northwest Student ID number. A Canvas tutorial can be found online at http://www.northwestms.edu/index.php/?page_id=7854.

Information Systems Privacy Policy for Students

Northwest Mississippi Community College is committed to protecting your privacy while employing technology that gives you a useful and safe online experience. This Statement of Privacy applies to the Northwest Mississippi Community College’s Web site and governs data collection and use for all of Northwest Mississippi Community College sites and services. Please read the complete Student Privacy Policy to learn additional details about how some of these sites and services protect your personal information. Below is an explanation of how we gather, use, and protect your information.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) establishes privacy rights of students with regard to educational records. FERPA gives enrolled students the right to review their educational records, request amendment of records, to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information. Unless there is a Waiver of Rights to Privacy of Records form on file with the college, student education and financial records can only be discussed with and made available to the student.

This information is made available to Northwest employees representing campus organizations that require minimum scholastic averages for membership, and organizations and/or societies awarding financial assistance (grants, scholarships, and loans).

The following student information will be treated as Directory Information for Public Records Requests:

Name, home address, phone number, and email address.
Classification (Fr., Soph., etc.), major field of study, dates of attendance, full or part-time student, degrees awarded and dates granted, and campus attended.
Participation in College and /or civic sponsored activities and sports and vital statistics recorded for participants in such activities, such as height and weight.

Directory Information is treated as general information and will be released upon request unless a written request that it not be released is received by the Office of Admissions and Records within thirty (30) days from the beginning of any period of registration.

Information Technology Facilities
The management of the Northwest network is consistent with the parameters outlined in our Acceptable Use Policy for Computing.

The information technology facilities at Northwest Mississippi Community College consist of a data network that encompasses all three campuses. The network provides connectivity for Northwest-owned devices, personal devices, and peripherals. Users consist of ALL students, faculty, staff, and guest users. These facilities are provided to users for educational and administrative activities. All users must utilize these systems in an efficient, ethical, and legal manner. The use of these facilities must be consistent with Northwest policies as well as all existing federal and state laws. Access to computing facilities is a privilege, not a right. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in disciplinary action as described in the Northwest Bulletin or the Northwest Policy Manual.

Use of Cookies
The Northwest website does not require the use of cookies (bits of data passed by your browser to our site). Some of the links within the site to other sites or portals do incorporate their use. For instance, the myNWCC portal uses cookies for the sorting of tables, however, nothing is stored in the cookies that identifies the user. If you prefer not to receive cookies, you can turn them off in your browser or set your browser to ask you before accepting new cookies.

Network Traffic
The College uses programs to collect data about the traffic on our network. We do not attempt to personally identify users unless the data we collect represents prohibited traffic.

Northwest has appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial processes and procedures in place to safeguard and help prevent unauthorized access, to assist in maintaining data security, to quickly identify and address any vulnerabilities, and to assist in correctly using the information we collect online.

Data files or messages being sent via the network are not private or secure communications.

Northwest reserves its right, as the owner of the network, to examine, capture, and archive any messages transmitted over the network and to review any data stored on Northwest-owned devices under the direction of the network administrator or director of Information Technology.

If the security of the network is threatened, Northwest’s requirement to maintain the network’s integrity and protect the rights of users may supersede the individual user’s privacy.

Security Precautions You Should Take
Although we make every effort to secure our network, the College cannot guarantee the privacy of online communications. Use discretion in providing information in online classes, chat rooms, or other open forums on the web. When using myNWCC or Canvas to access personal records, be sure to ‘LOGOUT’, exit the site, AND close your browser. Otherwise, the next person to use the computer may see your information.

Alternate Ways to Submit Information
You have a choice about whether to provide personal information online. For other options, contact us and learn how you can provide information by phone, in person, or by email to registrar@northwestms.edu.

Links to Other Web Sites
The Northwest Mississippi Community College website contains links to sites outside the college; these sites may have their own privacy statement-or none at all. We urge you to exercise caution when providing personal data to any site. Check their policies and contact them if you have questions.

Changes to this Statement
Northwest Mississippi Community College policies are subject to change. You should periodically review this Statement or check the College’s Privacy and Security page at http://www.northwestms.edu/index.php/?page_id=26763 to remain informed of how the College is protecting your information.

Social Media Policy for Students
Northwest encourages the use of social media. The Office of Communications manages the official Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Snapchat pages. Using these platforms to ask questions or leave comments is welcomed. If an official student organization or department wishes to start a social media account, they should first consult with the Office of Communications. All social media pages affiliated with the College should include a member of the Communications staff as an administrator.

Acceptable content may be positive or negative in context to the conversation, regardless of whether it is favorable or unfavorable to Northwest. However, posted content and/or language that is illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, infringing of intellectual property rights, invasive of privacy, profane, libelous, harassing, abusive, hateful or embarrassing to any person or entity, or otherwise injurious or objectionable is unacceptable and shall be removed.

Any social media post that violates a code of student conduct will be handled in accordance with the college’s student conduct procedures as outlined in this Bulletin.

Learning Resource Centers Code of Conduct

Northwest Learning Resource Centers (LRC) are committed to providing an educational environment conducive to learning. Students play a critical role in creating this environment by respecting the rights of others while using library resources.

  • To provide a suitable environment for group or individual study, quiet areas are offered throughout the libraries. Cell phones should be set to silent and the volume on headphones should be turned down when working in the library.
  • A certain amount of noise is expected at all service desks where librarians often interact with faculty, staff, and students. Otherwise, librarians and students are expected to minimize noise by keeping conversations low.
  • Students must present a current NWCC ID in order to check out materials.
  • Students must log in to computers in the labs with their NWCC credentials.
  • Students who use language or act in a way that is obscene, profane, or threatening will be removed from the library.

The library faculty and staff reserve the right to ask students to conform to the Code of Conduct. If misconduct occurs, the librarian will speak with the student to correct the issue. If the student does not correct the issue, the librarian will request an ID from the student. An incident report will be filed with Campus Police at this point, or the student will be asked to leave the library.

Student Identification Number

Northwest Mississippi Community College uses a six-digit college identification number to identify each student’s permanent records, such as the registration, grades, transcript, enrollment certifications, student accounts, etc. This is known as the student ID number.

New students receive their Northwest ID number through the admission process. Students in need of their student ID number may contact the Office of Admissions and Records, Financial Aid Office, eLearning, or the Computer Help Desk. The student will need to provide two forms of identification. Examples include the date of birth and social security number.

Identification Policy

The College issues each student an identification card at the beginning of each semester. This card is to be used to identify the recipient as a student at Northwest Mississippi Community College; to secure tickets to athletic events; for admission to concerts, artists’ series, and college theater productions, and for voting in campus elections. This card is a valuable document and must be in the student’s possession at all times.

Any misuse of the identification card by its holder, or attempted use by another person will result in the cancellation of the privileges provided and in disciplinary action.

The loss or theft of an identification card should be reported immediately to Campus Police. A substitute card will be issued only after payment of a $25 fee. Students are allowed to possess only one ID card and must surrender this card upon withdrawal from Northwest.

All students are required to have their ID card on their person at all times. Failure to present the ID card to college officials in authority, identify one’s self to college officials, or giving false information will be grounds for disciplinary action.

Tobacco Policy

Because Northwest Mississippi Community College is committed to providing a safe and healthy working and learning environment for the students, faculty, and staff on its campus, it hereby adopts the following smoke-free and tobacco-free policy.

Accordingly, Northwest Mississippi Community College finds and declares that the purposes of this policy are (1) to protect the public health and welfare by prohibiting smoking and the use of tobacco products, including ESDs, at Northwest Mississippi Community College; (2) to guarantee the right of nonsmokers to breathe smoke-free air, while recognizing that the need to breathe smoke-free air shall have priority over the desire to smoke; and (3) to encourage a healthier, more productive living/learning environment for all members of our campus community.

Section 1. Findings and Intent

The 2006 U.S. Surgeon General’s Report, The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke, has concluded that (1) secondhand smoke exposure causes disease and premature death ln children and adults who do not smoke; (2) children exposed to secondhand smoke are at an increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), acute respiratory problems, ear infections, and asthma attacks, and that smoking by parents causes respiratory symptoms and slows lung growth ln their children; (3) exposure of adults to secondhand smoke has immediate adverse effects on the cardiovascular system and causes coronary heart disease and lung cancer; (4) there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke; (S) establishing smoke free workplaces is the only effective way to ensure that secondhand smoke exposure does not occur in the workplace, because ventilation and other air cleaning technologies cannot completely control for exposure of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke; and (6) evidence from peer-reviewed studies shows that smoke free policies and laws do not leave an adverse economic impact on the hospitality industry. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General. U”S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health, 2006.)

Section 2. Definitions.

A. “Electronic Smoking Device” means any product containing or delivering nicotine or any other substance intended for human consumption that can be used by a person in any manner for the purpose of inhaling vapor or aerosol from the product. The term includes any such device, whether manufactured, distributed, marketed, or sold as an e-cigarette, e-cigar, e-pipe, e-hookah, or vape pen, or under any other product name or descriptor.

B. “Hookah” means a water pipe and any associated products and devices which are used to produce fumes, smoke, and/or vapor from the burning of material including, but not limited to, tobacco, shisha, or other plant matter.

C. “Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, hookah, or any other lighted or heated tobacco or plant product intended for inhalation, including marijuana, whether natural or synthetic, in any manner or in any form. “Smoking” also includes the use of an electronic smoking device which creates an aerosol or vapor, in any manner or in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking in this Article.

D. “Tobacco Product” means any substance containing tobacco leaf, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, hookah tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, bidis, blunts, clove cigarettes, or any other preparation of tobacco; and any product or formulation of matter containing biologically active amounts of nicotine that is manufactured, sold, offered for sale, or otherwise distributed with the expectation that the product or matter will be introduced into the human body by inhalation, ingestion, or absorption; but does not include any cessation product specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in treating nicotine or tobacco dependence.

Section 3. Smoking and Tobacco Use Prohibited on Northwest Mississippi Community College.

In light of the above findings, Northwest Mississippi Community College shall be entirely smoke-free and tobacco-free. The Smoke-free and Tobacco-Free Policy applies to all Northwest Mississippi Community College facilities, property, and vehicles, owned or leased, regardless of location. Smoking and the use of tobacco products shall not be permitted in any enclosed place, including, but not limited to, all offices, classrooms, hallways, waiting rooms, restrooms, meeting rooms, community areas, performance venues and private residential space within Northwest Mississippi Community College’s housing and residence life. Smoking and the use of tobacco products shall also be prohibited outdoors on all Northwest Mississippi Community College campus property, including, but not limited to, parking lots, paths, fields, sports/recreational areas, and stadiums, as well as in all personal vehicles while on campus. This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, and other persons on campus, regardless of the purpose for their visit. No college constituent or guest is exempted from this standard.

Section 4. Promotion and Sale of Smoking and Tobacco Products Prohibited at Northwest Mississippi Community College.

In further recognition of the incompatibility of Northwest Mississippi Community College’s educational mission and the promotion of smoking/tobacco products:

No tobacco-related advertising or sponsorship shall be permitted on Northwest Mississippi Community College’s property, at Northwest Mississippi Community College sponsored events, or in publications produced by the Northwest Mississippi Community College, with the exception of advertising in a newspaper or magazine that is not produced by Northwest Mississippi Community College and which is lawfully sold, bought, or distributed on Northwest Mississippi Community College’s property. For the purposes of this policy, “tobacco-related” applies to the use of a tobacco brand or corporate name, trademark, logo, symbol, or motto, selling message, recognizable pattern or colors, or any other indicator of a product identical to or similar to, or identifiable with, those used for any brand of tobacco products or company which manufactures tobacco products, or smoking products.

No smoking products, tobacco products, or tobacco paraphernalia shall be sold or distributed as samples on university grounds, either in vending machines, the student union, or any area on campus.

Section 5. Dissemination of Policy; Signage

Copies of this policy shall be distributed to all faculty and staff and shall be included with the information given to all admitted students. Information about the policy and how to comply with it shall also be posted on the Northwest Mississippi Community College website. Announcements concerning the policy and any changes to it shall be printed in campus newspapers and posted on the Northwest Mississippi Community College website to insure that everyone fully understands the policy. Signs prohibiting smoking and the use of tobacco products shall be posted at all points of entry to Northwest Mississippi Community College and at all Northwest Mississippi Community College building entrances. No ashtrays shall be provided at any location on campus.

Section 6. Transition Period

This revised policy shall be adopted immediately. It shall replace the former Tobacco-Free Policy. Individuals who wish to quit smoking should seek out assistance from local MS Tobacco Free Coalition representatives. Contact information for representatives and information regarding smoking cessation programs are located at each campus or center’s Student Success Center.

Section 7.Enforcement of Policy; Penalties

This policy shall be enforced by the Campus Police Department and the District Dean of Students’ Office. Each violation of this policy is punishable by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars ($50) and/or appropriate campus disciplinary procedures. A violation of the policy can be reported to any college official.

Film/Photography Consent

Students may be filmed or photographed for journalistic or marketing purposes for the college. If a student DOES NOT wish to appear in student or college publications or college marketing materials (including online), they should fill out a Personal Image Publication Refusal Form in the Communications Office at the beginning of the school year. Students should also alert any Communications staff member immediately if they do not wish to be photographed/videoed at the time of the photograph/taping, so they preemptively keep their image out of the photo/footage. Otherwise, it is understood that the college has permission to use images of students in all journalistic or marketing materials.

Dress Code

No manner of dress will be allowed which disrupts the normal educational process. In order to prepare students for careers and occupations, all students are expected to dress in good taste and be well-groomed. Shirts must be worn at all times except within a student’s assigned residence hall room or if engaged in an outdoor athletic activity. Underwear and undergarments should remain covered at all times except in a student’s assigned residence hall room.

All pants and shorts must be worn at the waist. Pajamas are not to be worn outside the student’s assigned residence hall.

In public areas, personal grooming should be kept as minimal and discreet as possible. No hairdressing, nail painting, etc. is allowed in public areas.

Medical Emergencies

If, in the opinion of college officials, a medical emergency exists, then college officials may call for an ambulance to transport sick or injured persons to a medical facility. Calling for an ambulance or other emergency agencies will be at the discretion of college officials, and students or other persons involved in the emergency must cooperate and follow the directions of college officials. It will be considered a violation of policy if any student refuses or interferes with the directions of college officials during such emergencies. Such students will be subject to disciplinary action.

Expenses for professional care or treatment are the responsibility of the sick or injured student or guest.

If it is determined by college officials that it would be hazardous to a student’s health or safety to reside in campus housing due to certain medical conditions (such as a student’s refusal to take prescribed medication, to follow doctor’s orders, etc.), the College may require a clearance letter from a qualified physician in order for the student to reside in campus housing.

Students needing medical assistance or a medical referral should contact the District Dean of Students at the Senatobia campus, or the Center Dean if attending a center.

Service/Emotional Support Animal Policy

Northwest Mississippi Community College (NWCC) recognizes the importance of service and assistance (emotional support) animals to individuals with disabilities. This policy provides that students with disabilities, who require the use of service or assistance (emotional support) animals as a reasonable accommodation, receive the benefit of the therapeutic support they provide. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Service animals may accompany their handler in all public areas of the college unless otherwise stated below. The use of assistance (emotional support) animals is governed by the Fair Housing Act and therefore limits assistance (emotional support) animals to the individual student’s residence hall. The college allows approved students with disabilities the use of both service and assistance (emotional support) animals in student housing to facilitate their full participation and equal access to the residential experience. To protect the rights and privileges of all, the college has developed specific requirements and guidelines concerning the appropriate use of service/assistance (emotional support) animals.

Section I. Distinction between Service Animal and Assistance (Emotional Support) Animal

A. Service Animal
a. A service animal is an animal that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Not all animals, whether wild or domestic, qualify as service animals. Examples of such work or tasks service animals can provide include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, alerting of low blood sugar, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a service animal has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability.

b. Service Animals are permitted in all public areas of campus, except where specific restrictions apply.  The College may prohibit the use of service animals in certain locations due to health or safety hazards where service animals may be in danger or where their use may compromise the integrity of research or fundamentally alter the nature of a program or activity. Restricted locations may include, but are not limited to: research laboratories, classrooms with demonstration/research animals present, medical areas, research areas using radioactive materials or lasers, mechanical rooms or custodial closets, workshops with operating machinery and food preparation areas. The safety of locations will be individually considered by the Disability Coordinator, the laboratory director/instructor, the Dean of Students and any other college personnel deemed appropriate. If a location is determined to be unsafe for the use of a service animal, alternative reasonable accommodations will be explored and provided as appropriate to ensure the individual equal access to the activity.  Exceptions to restricted areas may be granted on a case-by-case basis by contacting Disability Services.

B. (Emotional Support) Animal (ESA)
 a. An Emotional Support Animal is an animal that enables a person with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy student housing by alleviating the symptoms of the disability. Unlike a service animal, an emotional support animal might not be trained and does not accompany a student with a disability at all times. Emotional Support Animals will have limited access to college housing, and will NOT have access to the coliseum, The Heindl Center (PAC), Fine Arts Auditorium, Haraway Center, cafeteria, library, classroom buildings, classrooms, labs, student union, office buildings except for Disability Services, residence halls other than the handler’s assigned residence, indoor recreation facility, outdoor recreation facility or any other area determined by the college.

Section II. Additional Definitions

  1. Pet
    A pet is an animal kept for ordinary use and companionship. A pet is not considered an emotional support animal and is not covered by this policy. Residents are not permitted to have pets.
  2. Approved Animal
    An approved animal is a service or assistance (emotional support) animal that has been approved as a reasonable accommodation due to the handler’s disability.
  3. Handler
    The handler is the student who has requested the accommodation and has received approval from the Disability Services office to bring the approved animal into the residence halls.

Section III. Guidelines Regarding Service Animals

  1. NWCC does not require, but recommends for service animals to be registered with Disability Services.

  2. The handler is encouraged to provide the appropriate documentation for a service animal to Disability Services. 

  3. The Handler is encouraged to provide an updated shot record to Disability Services.

  4. A service animal must be under the control of its handler. Per ADA, service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless the individual’s disability prevents using these devices or these devices interfere with the service animal’s safe, effective performance of tasks. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls.

  5. The handler is responsible for caring for and supervising the service animal, which includes toileting, feeding, grooming, and veterinary care. Covered entities are not obligated to supervise or otherwise care for a service animal.

  6. Service animals do NOT need to be identified as such either by harness or vest. If there is no identification, college staff may ask only two specific questions: (1) is the animal required because of a disability? and (2) what work or task has the animal been trained to perform? Staff are not allowed to request any documentation for the animal, require that the animal demonstrate its task, or inquire about the nature of the person’s disability.

  7. Students/Staff living in Campus Housing MUST register with Disability Services, provide Animal Verification Form, submit updated shot record and Roommate Acknowledgement Form.
  • The handler is responsible for assuring that the approved animal does not unduly interfere with the routine activities of the residence or cause difficulties for students who reside there. For example: excessive barking or not housebroken.
  • The handler is financially responsible for the actions of the approved animal including bodily injury or property damage. The handler’s responsibility covers but is not limited to cleaning or replacement of furniture, carpet, windows, and wall covering.
  • The handler is responsible for any expenses incurred for cleaning beyond standard cleaning or repairs to College premises that are assessed after the student and animal vacate the residence.
  • The handler must notify Disability Services in writing if the approved animal is no longer needed or is no longer in residence. To replace an approved animal, the Handler must complete the necessary documentation through Disability Services.
  • The handler’s residence may be inspected for fleas, ticks, or other pests during normal Health and Safety Inspections or as needed. If fleas, ticks, or other pests are detected, the residence facility or classroom will be treated using approved fumigation methods by a College -approved pest control service provider. The Handler will be billed for the expense of any pest treatment beyond standard pest management in the residence facility.
  • All roommates or suitemates of the handler must sign the Roommate Acknowledgement Agreement allowing the approved animal to be in residence with them. In the event that one or more roommates or suitemates do not approve, either the handler and approved animal or the non-approving roommates or suitemates may be moved to a different location. This provision is only applicable for students residing in a shared room and/or apartment.
  • Due to maintenance or other Housing staff needing to occasionally enter student rooms, it is imperative that the approved animal is housed in an appropriate enclosure or kennel at all times while the handler is away. The enclosure must be of an appropriate size for the animal. Caged and kenneled animals are to be kept in appropriate cages with flooring and liner to prevent any damage to floors and to allow sanitary removal of pet waste. When outside the residence, the handler of an assistance animal shall carry proof that the animal is an approved animal.
  • Approved animals may not be left overnight in Housing to be cared for by another student. Animals must be taken with the student if they leave campus for a prolonged period, and dogs especially should not be left unattended throughout the day.
  • The handler understands that reasonable accommodations, which may constitute an exception to a policy that otherwise would prohibit having an animal, do not constitute an exception to any other policy.
  • Should the approved animal be removed from the premises for any reason, the Handler is expected to fulfill his/her housing obligations for the remainder of the semester.
  • Care and supervision of the animal are the responsibility of the handler who benefits from the approved animal’s use. The handler is responsible for the health and hygiene of the animal, including daily grooming and occasional baths as may be required to keep animal odor to a minimum. Handlers should not use the sinks or showers in the residence hall to bathe the approved animal.
  • The handler is also responsible for ensuring the cleanup of the animal’s waste and, when appropriate, must toilet the animal in areas designated by the college. Indoor animal waste, such as cat litter, must be placed in a sturdy plastic bag and securely tied up before being disposed of in an outside trash receptacle. Litter boxes should be placed on mats so that waste is not tracked onto carpeted surfaces.
  • In accordance with local ordinances and regulations, the approved animal must be immunized against diseases common to that type of animal. Dogs must have current vaccination against rabies and wear a rabies vaccination tag. Cats should have the normal shots required for a healthy animal.
  • When outside the handler’s room, the approved animal must be on a leash, if appropriate for the animal, at all times.
  • Cruelty to animals is forbidden. Beating, neglecting, or otherwise harming an animal by the handler will result in the animal being removed.
  • The college may place other reasonable conditions or restrictions on the approved animals depending on the nature and characteristics of the animal.
  • Any violation of the above rules may result in immediate removal of the animal from the College and may be reviewed through the College disciplinary process.

Section IV. Exceptions and Exclusions for Service Animals

  1. The ADA does not require covered entities to modify policies, practices, or procedures if it would “fundamentally alter” the nature of services, programs, or activities provided to the public. Nor does it overrule legitimate safety requirements. If admitting service animals would fundamentally alter the nature of a service or program, service animals may be prohibited. For example, at a college, service animals could be restricted from a specific area of a residence hall or classroom specifically for students with allergies to animal dander.
  2. In addition, if a particular service animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it, or if it is not housebroken, that animal may be excluded.

Section V. Guidelines Regarding Emotional Support Animals (ESA)

  1. NWCC does require Emotional Support animals to be registered with Disability Services.
  2. The handler must provide the appropriate documentation for an animal to Disability Services and must be approved by the Disability Coordinator, Director of Student Services and Director of Housing.
  3. The Handler must also provide an updated shot record to Disability Services.
  4. Only 1 emotional support animal per student per room.
  5. The handler is responsible for assuring that the approved animal does not unduly interfere with the routine activities of the residence or cause difficulties for students who reside there.For example: excessive barking or not housebroken.
  6. The handler is financially responsible for the actions of the approved animal including bodily injury or property damage. The handler’s responsibility covers but is not limited to cleaning or replacement of furniture, carpet, windows, and wall covering.
  7. The handler is responsible for any expenses incurred for cleaning beyond standard cleaning or repairs to College premises that are assessed after the student and animal vacate the residence.
  8. The handler must notify Disability Services in writing if the approved animal is no longer needed or is no longer in residence. To replace an approved animal, the Handler must complete the necessary documentation through Disability Services.
  9. The handler’s residence may be inspected for fleas, ticks, or other pests during normal Health and Safety Inspections or as needed. If fleas, ticks, or other pests are detected, the residence facility or classroom will be treated using approved fumigation methods by a College -approved pest control service provider. The Handler will be billed for the expense of any pest treatment beyond standard pest management in the residence facility.
  10. All roommates or suitemates of the handler must sign the Roommate Acknowledgement Agreement allowing the approved animal to be in residence with them. In the event that one or more roommates or suitemates do not approve, either the handler and approved animal or the non-approving roommates or suitemates may be moved to a different location. This provision is only applicable for students residing in a shared room and/or apartment.
  11. Due to maintenance or other Housing staff needing to occasionally enter student rooms, it is imperative that the approved animal is housed in an appropriate enclosure or kennel at all times while the handler is away. The enclosure must be of an appropriate size for the animal. Caged and kenneled animals are to be kept in appropriate cages with flooring and liner to prevent any damage to floors and to allow sanitary removal of pet waste. When outside the residence, the handler of an assistance animal shall carry proof that the animal is an approved animal.
  12. Approved animals may not be left overnight in Housing to be cared for by another student. Animals must be taken with the student if they leave campus for a prolonged period, and dogs especially should not be left unattended throughout the day.
  13. The handler understands that reasonable accommodations, which may constitute an exception to a policy that otherwise would prohibit having an animal, do not constitute an exception to any other policy.
  14. Should the approved animal be removed from the premises for any reason, the Handler is expected to fulfill his/her housing obligations for the remainder of the semester.
  15. Care and supervision of the animal are the responsibility of the handler who benefits from the approved animal’s use. The handler is responsible for the health and hygiene of the animal, including daily grooming and occasional baths as may be required to keep animal odor to a minimum. Handlers should not use the sinks or showers in the residence hall to bathe the approved animal.
  16. The handler is also responsible for ensuring the cleanup of the animal’s waste and, when appropriate, must toilet the animal in areas designated by the college. Indoor animal waste, such as cat litter, must be placed in a sturdy plastic bag and securely tied up before being disposed of in an outside trash receptacle. Litter boxes should be placed on mats so that waste is not tracked onto carpeted surfaces.
  17. In accordance with local ordinances and regulations, the approved animal must be immunized against diseases common to that type of animal. Dogs must have current vaccination against rabies and wear a rabies vaccination tag. Cats should have the normal shots required for a healthy animal.
  18. When outside the handler’s room, the approved animal must be on a leash, if appropriate for the animal, at all times.
  19. Cruelty to animals is forbidden. Beating, neglecting, or otherwise harming an animal by the handler will result in the animal being removed.
  20. NO emotional support animals are allowed in the residence halls unless all required documentation has been completed and approved by the Disability Coordinator, Dean of Student Services and Dean of Housing.
  21. The college may place other reasonable conditions or restrictions on the approved animals depending on the nature and characteristics of the animal.
  22. Any violation of the above rules may result in immediate removal of the animal from the College and may be reviewed through the College disciplinary process.

Section VI. Exceptions and Exclusions for Assistance (Emotional Support) Animals

The College may place restrictions on, and may exclude, an assistance (emotional support) animal. Restrictions or exclusions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. An animal may be excluded if:

  1. It is out of control and effective action cannot control it or is not taken to control it;
  2. Its size is prohibitive in relation to the size of the residence hall;
  3. It is not housebroken;
  4. It poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others that cannot be reduced or eliminated by reasonable modifications. An animal with a history of biting or aggression may be considered to pose such a threat;
  5. Its presence fundamentally alters the nature of programs, services, or activities in student housing;
  6. It is unruly or disruptive (e.g. barking, running around, bringing attention to itself, jumping up on people, whining, squawking, scratching, chewing)
  7. Other reasons as may be determined.

Section VII. Conflicting Health Conditions

Housing and Residence Life personnel will make a reasonable effort to notify roommates/apartment/suite mates in the residence building where the approved animal will be located.

Students with medical condition(s) that are affected by animals in the residence hall (e.g., respiratory diseases, asthma, severe allergies) are asked to contact the Housing and Residence Life Office.