2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Career-Technical Education
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The mission of Career-Technical Education at Northwest Mississippi Community College is to be the work skills training provider for northwest Mississippi. As such, the College offers Associate of Applied Science degrees, Technical Certificates, Career Certificates, Work-Based Learning, and the support programs needed to help students succeed throughout their education and/or training, such as:
Career and Technical Program Admissions
Students are required to meet the general admission requirements for the college. (see Admissions ).
Special Career and Technical program requirements are listed under individual program descriptions. Admission to the College does not guarantee admission to a program.
Degrees and Certificates
All students expecting to become candidates for degrees or certificates must adhere to the graduation policy and degree requirements and follow the Technical Core Curriculum (for students planning to obtain the Associate of Applied Science degree) found in the Academic Regulations section of this Bulletin.
Associate of Applied Science Degree
The Associate of Applied Science Degree is awarded for programs designed to meet the educational needs of students who are seeking preparation for employment in occupational fields not requiring a four-year degree.
To graduate from the college with the Associate of Applied Science Degree a student must:
- Earn a minimum of sixty (60) semester hours to include the fifteen (15) semester hours listed in the Technical Core Curriculum.
- Complete the remaining courses designated by the program of study.
- Earn a minimum grade point of 2.0 on all work completed at Northwest Mississippi Community College.
- Complete a minimum of fifteen (15) semester hours at Northwest Mississippi Community College in the area of study.
- Earn not more than fifteen (15) semester hours through any combination of the following: College Level Placement Examination (CLEP) or Advanced Placement Examination. Credit by examination may be given to participants in articulated workforce training programs.
Career and Technical Certificates
Certificates for specific programs are awarded to students who successfully complete requirements for these programs of study as outlined in the college Bulletin. Students completing a one-year minimum of 30 hours career program will receive a Career Certificate, and those students completing a minimum of 45 hours technical program will receive a Technical Certificate.
To graduate from the college with a certificate in a particular program of study a student must:
- Make a passing grade and average a minimum 2.0 grade point on those courses required in the curriculum. Grades in the courses not listed in the curriculum will not be counted in calculating the grade point average.
Course Offerings
Listed below are the Career-Technical courses of study offered at each of Northwest’s campus locations.
* Career Certificate also available
** Industry or State Accreditation
Senatobia (Main Campus) & Ashland Off-Campus Site
Due to industry partnerships the Agricultural Technology/John Deere Tech, Automotive Technology and Industrial Electronics Engineering Technology programs are considered regional programs.
- Agricultural Business & Management Technology *
- Agribusiness or Animal Science
- Agricultural Technology/John Deere Tech
- Automotive Technology * **
- Chrysler MOPAR College Automotive Program
- Light Diesel Automotive Program
- Business & Office Technology
- Administrative Office Technology *
- Business Management Technology *
- Medical Office Technology *
- Civil Engineering Technology *
- Early Childhood Education Technology *
- Emergency Medical Technology-Paramedic **
- Graphic Design Technology *
- Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Technology * **
- Electronics Engineering Technology *
- Information Systems Technology *
- Computer Networking, Computer Programming or Coding
- Paralegal Technology *
- Legal Studies (Ole Miss 2+2 Option)
- Precision Manufacturing & Machining Technology * **
- Collision Repair Technology *
- Cosmetology **
- Nail Technician Option/Instructor Trainee Option * **
- Emergency Medical Technology-Basic **
- Emergency Medical Technology-Advanced **
- Health Care Assistant **
- Practical Nursing **
- Welding and Cutting **
- Cosmetology **
- Practical Nursing * **
DeSoto Ccenter-Southaven & Olive Branh
- Business & Office Technology
- Administrative Office Technology *
- Business Management Technology *
- Medical Office Technology *
- Business & Marketing Management Technology *
- Cardiovascular Technology
- Funeral Service Technology **
- Hotel & Restaurant Management Technology *
- Paralegal Technology *
- Respiratory Therapy **
- Emergency Medical Technology-Basic **
- Health Care Assistant **
- Practical Nursing * **
- Aviation Maintenance Technology **
- Commercial Truck Driving
- Utility Lineworker **
Lafayette-Yalobusha Technical Center-Oxford
- Business & Office Technology
- Administrative Office Technology *
- Business Management Technology *
- Medical Office Technology *
- Paralegal Technology *
- Surgical Technology *
- Cosmetology **
- Health Care Assistant **
- Practical Nursing **
Courses of Study
Northwest Mississippi Community College offers more than 30 Career and Technical programs of study. Some programs have special admissions requirements, which are listed with each curriculum to which they apply.
The MS-CPAS2 (Mississippi Career Planning Assessment System) is administered to all Career-Technical students completing a program of study, unless the program requires a specific certification, license or alternative curriculum assessment. Students who lack entry-level skills in math, English, reading, etc. will be provided related studies.
Career Education
The curricula in this section are based on clock hours rather than semester hours. Admission to these programs may vary from regular academic or technical admission. Refer to the section on Admissions for detailed information. Career Certificates are awarded to graduates of these programs. All Career students with deficiencies are required to attend reading, language and mathematics resource laboratory until deficiencies in these areas are corrected. Students who lack entry level skills in math, English, science, etc. will be provided related studies. All career programs have limited availability and competitive admissions depending on student interest. Each of these programs only admit in the fall semester.
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